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The Rise and Spread of Christianity

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1 The Rise and Spread of Christianity
EQ: How did Christianity become a central institution of western civilization?

2 Supporting Questions What was Rome’s policy toward different religions in the Early Empire? What were the major teachings of Jesus? How did the early Christian church develop?

3 What do you think? And…

4 And…


6 What do you think of each picture?

7 What was Rome’s policy toward different religions in the Early Empire?

8 Roman Society Monotheism : Belief in one God Polytheism :
Belief in more than one God Emperors were considered gods. Religion was used to explain natural disasters. Prosperity of the Roman Empire was viewed as a result of how happy the gods were. Judea was under Roman control and they were all Jewish people.

9 Judaism and other practices were tolerated.
In Rome, Early Christianity was seen as a cult that was irreligious and disobedient. After the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, Emperor Nero accused the Christians as convenient scapegoats, who were later persecuted and killed. From that point on, Roman official policy towards Christianity tended towards persecution.

10 What were the major teachings of Jesus?

11 Jesus’ Message What we know of him comes from the Gospels, meaning: “Good News” Jesus is Jewish 1. Ten Commandments Obedience to the laws of Moses Defend teachings of the Jewish prophets 2. Love and Peace Love god and your neighbors Need for justice, morality and justice to others 3. Kingdom of Heaven Mercy and sympathy for the poor and helpless

12 The parables of Jesus represent a major component of his teachings in the gospels
simple and memorable stories thirty parables forming about one third of his recorded teachings.

13 Punishment Pontius Pilate (governor)
Seen as a threat to Jewish high priests Pontius Pilate (governor)

14 How did the early Christian church develop?

15 The Early Church Early church members met in caves and homes
Women were key members of the early Christian church until the middle ages Needed members who were well-educated and wealthy Ichtus

16 The first Christians were essentially all ethnically Jewish
In Greece, the term "Christian" was first coined as a derogatory term, meaning "little Christs", and was meant as a mockery In Rome, it meant “followers of Christ”

17 Spread of Christianity
Martyrs : a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs. Peter -One of the twelve apostles. Peter in Greek means rock. Model for all Christians to follow. The “Rock” upon which the Christian church will be built Crucified in Rome by the Emperor Nero Paul Born Saul He was an enemy of early Christians Road to Damascus

18 Diocletian (284 – 305) In the year 303AD Edict of Persecution Constantine The Great ( 306 AD – 337 AD ) Visions (311 AD – 312 AD) Edict of Milan (313 AD) Christianity becomes official religion of Rome (325 AD)

19 EQ: How did Christianity become a central institution of western civilization?

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