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Suggested grade levels 5-7

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Presentation on theme: "Suggested grade levels 5-7"— Presentation transcript:

1 Suggested grade levels 5-7
Defining textiquette and examining appropriate vs. inappropriate behaviors in text messaging. *

2 Objectives Students will: compare netiquette to textiquette
identify unsafe texting practices provide examples of potential negative consequences of inappropriate or unsafe text messaging develop a code of conduct to promote safe and responsible texting *

3 What is Textiquette? As a class
Brainstorm a common definition for this term. *

4 Netiquette vs. Textiquette
Netiquette refers to using good manners on the Internet and covers a broad range of online socialization behaviors. Textiquette describes social manners using mobile devices – it’s etiquette for cell phone messaging. *

5 What do you like about texting?

6 Texting can have negative consequences!
As a class: Discuss potential negatives of texting. Create a master list of texting actions that can have negative consequences. *

7 What did you come up with?
Compare your list with those on the following slides. Think about times you have experienced or observed these behaviors when texting. Discuss the example details provided Can you add other details or consequences? *

8 Harassment and Bullying
Example: It’s easy to send harassing or bullying text messages because it’s quick and the victim is not seen face-to-face; bullying with texts can occur 24/7. *

9 Annoying Messaging Example:
Annoying messages can be sent to anyone, as long as the sender has the cell number. *

10 Profanity Examples: A person can get a bad reputation for sending texts with inappropriate language. Texts may be accessed by parents. *

11 Photos Example: Once sent via text, inappropriate photos CANNOT be retrieved. *

12 Lack of Patience Example:
Texting message after message instead of waiting for a response, can cause problems with friendships. *

13 Overuse of Texting - Hypertexting
Example: Constant texting can disrupt sleep, school work and friendships, and may develop into an addictive habit. *

14 Consider Places/Situations
Example: It is rude to text and to receive texts in places and situations where others are present, such as at the movies, the dinner table, etc. *

15 Talk About It Identify the texting issues discussed that can pose a threat to personal safety. Harassment, bullying, inappropriate photos or sexting, and hypertexting (if it becomes addictive) can all affect personal safety! *

16 Activity In small groups, students should complete the activity, Textiquette Code for Safe and Responsible Use. (This is a separate activity sheet that needs to be handed out) When finished, each group should share its textiquette code. Conclude this lesson with the following slides. *

17 Wrap Up Review what you have learned about textiquette by going over the i-SAFE Textiquette Code. *

18 The i-SAFE Textiquette Code *

19 I will enjoy all of the technologies available to me, and I will not allow them to control me.

20 My text messages will be respectful, and will not be used to harass others.

21 I will never send nude photos, either of me or another, in a text message.

22 My texts will not contain inappropriate or profane language.

23 I will refrain from texting in public places where it may be considered rude.

24 I will respect my parents’ rules for texting conduct.

25 I will allow my friends time to respond to my messages without annoying them.

26 If I receive harassing, threatening, or any other text that makes me feel uncomfortable, I will notify a parent and/or get help to respond appropriately. *

27 I will allow people to sleep and will not text friends late at night.

28 I will respect other people’s right to privacy and freedom
I will respect other people’s right to privacy and freedom. I will not use technology to constantly keep tabs on people. *

29 I will balance my time texting with the time I spend with friends face-to-face.

30 Conclusion Remember:  Textiquette means showing etiquette on mobile devices!  Use what you have learned to safely use, NOT abuse, mobile technology. *

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