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Isolated word, speaker independent speech recognition

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Presentation on theme: "Isolated word, speaker independent speech recognition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Isolated word, speaker independent speech recognition
Kaustubh R. Kale Guide: Dr. John G. Harris 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

2 Project Goals To make appliances smart
Use Dynamic Time Warping algorithm 13 Mel frequency Cepstral coefficients as the extracted features Gui development and hardware interface 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

3 Description Schematic Diagram Endpoint detection in Java
DTW analysis in Matlab Parallel Port operations via C++ Demo FOR MORE INFO... 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

4 Schematic Diagram Java Matlab C++ Appliance 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

5 Endpoint detection in Java.
Utterances are of unequal lengths Preceded by silence Use of signal power p[i..j] =  k=i..j s[k]2                                                12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

6 DTW analysis in Matlab Two basic concepts to be understood:
1. Feature extraction from the time dependant signal 2. Distance calculation: a.Local distance between features b.Global distance between signals 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

7 DTW Flow To obtain a global distance, time alignment must be done
D(I,j)=min[D(I-1,j-1),D(I-1,j),D(I,j-1)] +d(I,j) 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

8 C++ interface with the port
The matlab passes on the a parameter to the C++ program The C++ program drives the respective pins on the parallel port The Parameters: 1 = lights and fan off 2 = lights on and fan off 3 = fan on and lights off 4 = lights on and fan on 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

9 Classification Errors
For speaker dependent operation the classification errors were 20% For speaker independent operation the classification errors were 30%-40% 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

10 Demonstration End to end operation 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

11 Future work Making the DTW more robust to ambient noise
Achieving speaker independent word recognition Efficient inter component communication 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

12 Conclusion Via this program the goal of having voice operated smart appliance was achieved The error rate was around 20% 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

13 Thanks! Question time… 12/7/2018 EEL 6825 project

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