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Kazincbarcika is our town. It’s the third largest city in B-A-Z county

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1 Kazincbarcika is our town. It’s the third largest city in B-A-Z county
Kazincbarcika is our town. It’s the third largest city in B-A-Z county. It’s in the northern Side of Hungary. The Sajó is the river of Barcika. It’s about 20 kms far from Miskolc. The history of Kazincbarcika In 1240 there was a little village called Sajókazinc. In 1920 there was a power plant so Kazincbarcika was built as 2 villages unification. In 1947 the 2 villages were Lower-and Upper-Barcika. In 1954 Kazincbarcika reached the city title. The town had people that time. Now there are about people living here.

2 Churches in Barcika We have 4 churces The Roman Catholic church, the Greek Catholic church and the Protestant church. And we have one more, the *ewest which name is the Holly Family Church. It was built only few years ago, and can be found in the centre of the town.


4 Barcika is the city of statues
There are a lots of statues here. You can see them in all places here, there are some sculptures of Borsos Miklós and other famous artist.


6 Sports at Barcika We have an indoor swimming pool, and an artificial ice-rink, but is somebody wants to run or something like that he or she just has to go to the KSK. We have a football team too called KBSC and a volley-ball club called VEGYÉSZ, they are quite good teams.

7 Accomodation In our city you can find 2 excellent hotels called Ambrózia and Hotel Lukács. You can eat here delicious food here too. These places and programs, entertaining facilities make Kazincbarcika an excellent town to visit for youngters and old people as well

8 Court You cab see a new court in front of the city house, it was built few years ago.

9 Town Hall Here is our Town Hall. I think it’s not very nice but ours. When we have a festival or culture programs they are here. Kazincbarcika is famous for its cultural life especially in the summer. There are a lot of concerts and performances in front of the culture house or indoor.

10 We have a „new” hospital too. Not new but it seems like a new one
We have a „new” hospital too. Not new but it seems like a new one. And modern too.

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