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Introduction to Drill Prep School 2018.

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1 Introduction to Drill Prep School 2018

2 Reasons for Drill -Promotes confidence in cadets
-Allows cadets to practice leadership skills -Inspires cadets to help each other and work as a team -Promotes uniformity and discipline

3 Drill Terms Cadence- uniform step and rhythm in marching; number of steps per minute Quick Time- Rate of march between 100 and 120 steps per minute. Double Time- Rate of marching at 180 steps per minute Slow Time- Rate of marching at 60 steps per minute (typically used during funerals)

4 Drill Terms Distance- The space from the front to the rear between units (40 inches) Interval- The space between individuals placed side by side (arms length of the first element) Dress- The alignment of individuals placed side by side while maintaining proper interval Cover- The alignment of individuals one behind the other with proper distance

5 Drill Terms Element- the smallest, most basic formation comprised of at least 3, but not more that 12 cadets. Element Leaders- The first person of each element to guide the rest of their element. Flight- At least two, but not more than four, elements.

6 Formations In Line- The arrangements of elements one behind the other with the guide/element leaders to the extreme right flank. Inverted Line- The arrangements of elements one behind the other with the guide/element leaders to the extreme left flank.

7 Formations In Column- The arrangement of elements side by side with the guide and element leaders to the head. Inverted Column- The arrangement of elements side by side with the guide and element leaders to the rear.

8 Positions Attention- Stand straight with your shoulders back, head up, and looking forward. Heels together, feet at 45, arms straight down, hands cupped, thumbs along seam of pants. Parade Rest- Heels 12 inches apart, arms fully extended behind the back with the hands connected right over left At Ease- Cadets may relax in a standing position but they must keep the right foot in place and stay silent. Rest- Cadets may relax in a standing position but they must keep the right foot in place and talk at a moderate voice level.

9 Commands Two Parts: Preparatory Command- Prepares the cadet for the next movement; informs the cadet about what the next movement will be Command of Execution- The part of the command that triggers a cadet’s response to the preparatory command.

10 Commands Present Arms- Bring your right hand fully extended from attention to the end of your right eyebrow smartly, touch your eyebrow with the tip of the middle finger. Your arm should create a 45 degree angle with your fingers put together. Order Arms- Smartly bring your hand into a cupped position while bringing your arm down to the seam of your pants.

11 Facing Movements Right Face- Raise the right toe and the left heel slightly and pivot 90 degrees to the right on the ball of the left foot and the heel of the right foot. Bring the left heel to the right heel smartly to the position of attention. Left Face- Raise the left toe and the right heel slightly and pivot 90 degrees to the left on the ball of the right foot and the heel of the left foot. Bring the right heel to the left heel smartly to the position of attention. About Face- Place the ball of the right foot approximately half a shoe length behind and slightly to the left of the left heel. While maintaining the position of attention turn the body 180 degrees to the right until both heels meet.

12 Falling into Ranks Fall In- A flight forms in at least two but no more than four elements, in line formation, in a timely and silent manner. Fall Out- Cadets may relax in a standing position or break ranks. They must remain in the immediate area and moderate speech is permitted.

13 Demonstrations/Practice
Position of Attention Parade Rest Present Arms Order Arms Fall in Fall Out Right Face Left Face About Face

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