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And now it’s time for Exodus 3:1-2a, 4b B. Cartoon Reader's Theater

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1 And now it’s time for Exodus 3:1-2a, 4b B. Cartoon Reader's Theater
Text & Context This cartoon Bible story gives guests a context for today’s verse. PRINT the Reader's Theater scripts provided on the following six Notes Pages. CHOOSE readers for each part. PRACTICE, practice, practice! PRESENT with power, poise and pizzazz! ASSIGNED LEADERS: (Click to continue)

2 The Call of Moses SLIDE 1 Click to Continue
Reader's Theater Script – BM08 The Call of Moses Exodus 3:1-2a, 4b Narrator: The Children of Israel lived peacefully in Egypt for 400 years. They grew in numbers and prospered. Then a terrible thing happened. A new Pharaoh who did not remember Joseph arose. Threatened by Israel’s power, he turned them all into slaves and ordered their baby boys be put to death. Pharaoh: Work or die! Slave: This isn’t going so well. Books of Moses 08 Click to Continue

3 Reader’s Theater - Slide 2 (Click to advance)
Narrator: One frightened woman placed her baby into a basket and floated it down the river toward Pharaoh’s daughter. The princess pulled it from the waters and named the baby Moses. Girls: Moses means, “I drew him out!” Narrator: She raised Moses as a prince, providing for his every need and giving him the best education the world had to offer. Girls: You’re pretty smart. Moses: Thanks. Books of Moses 08 Click to Continue

4 Reader’s Theater - Slide 3 (Click to advance)
Narrator: Then one day Moses saw a soldier beating a slave. He tried to stop the beating and hit the soldier. He died! All: (Smack) Aaaaaaaaaaah! Narrator: Moses was forced to run away into the wilderness. Books of Moses 08 Click to Continue

5 Reader’s Theater - Slide 4 (Click to advance)
All: Years later… Narrator: Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian; he led his flock beyond the wilderness, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush; God called… All: Moses! Narrator: He said: Moses: Here I am! All: The place on which you are standing is holy ground. Books of Moses 08 Click to Continue

6 Reader’s Theater - Slide 5 (Click to advance)
All: I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, too. I have observed the misery of my people. I have heard their cry… indeed, I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them. Narrator: But Moses said: Moses: If I say to them, “The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,” and they ask me, “What is his name?” What shall I say to them? All: I am who I am! Moses: What? All: Yahweh! I am who I am! Moses: What kind of a name is that? Books of Moses 08 Click to Continue

7 Reader’s Theater - Slide 6 (Click to advance)
Narrator: And Moses went to Egypt, straight into the courts of the Mighty Pharaoh, and did as the Lord God commanded him. He told the ruler of Egypt… All: Let my people go! Narrator: What happened next? All: To be continued! (Applause) Permission to use this Reader's Theater is granted only to Faith Inkubators members with a valid membership. Books of Moses 08 Click to Continue

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