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Title I Parent Night September 27, 2012 6:00 P.M. Brad A. Jones, Principal.

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Presentation on theme: "Title I Parent Night September 27, 2012 6:00 P.M. Brad A. Jones, Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title I Parent Night September 27, 2012 6:00 P.M. Brad A. Jones, Principal

2 Objectives I can understand what Title I means for improving education at CGES. I can understand our current status and future goals in Reading and Math proficiency. I can identify intentional and deliberate strategies that I can use to help reach our goals.


4 Title I Title I is the largest federal education program. Title I is the cornerstone of the No Child Left Behind Act Title I is intended to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach proficiency on state standards and tests.

5 Title I at Cedar Grove Cedar Grove has a schoolwide Title I program, which provides flexibility in using Title I funds, in conjunction with other funds in the school, to upgrade the operation of the entire school.

6 Reading EOG Proficiency 2011-2012

7 Math EOG Proficiency 2011-2012

8 Science EOG Proficiency 2011-2012 Grade 5 70% Proficient

9 AMO REPORT (FORMERLY AYP) Cedar Grove met 17 out of 17 Annual Measureable Objectives (AMOs). In August 2012, Cedar Grove was recognized by the state as a Title I Reward School, designated for the highest performing 10% in North Carolina!


11 Proficiency Goals SCHOOL YEARREADINGMATH 2011-201273.782.8 2012-201378.086.0 2014-201588.090.0 2015-201693.095.0 2016-201798.0


13 Title I Budget Line ItemCost Substitute-Staff Dev.$1,820 Extended Employment Salary$10,000 Workshop Expense/Travel$10,000 Field Trips$2,300 Instructional Supplies$10,000 Homeless Supplies/Materials$500 Computer Software$2,000 Library Books$2,000 Non-Capitalized Equipment$2,500 Food Purchases (Parent Involvement)$865.35 Supplies & Materials (Parent Involvement) $1,500 Pupil Transportation$10,000 Total$53,485.35

14 Parent Involvement Policy Highlights Make-Up meetings held. Progress Reports/Report CardsNew Signing Expectations Personal Education Plan Take Home Thursdays Curriculum Nights Parent Conference Nights Coffee Chats Connect-Ed Suggestion Box


16 Parent Reading Strategies Provide time and a space free from distractions to read independently. Ask your child what topics, events, or activities s/he likes. Look for books that would motivate your child to read. Let your child see you reading. Share what you have read. Keep track of the time your child spends reading every day. Be sure your child has a library card. Use technology to build your childs interest in reading.

17 Parent Math Strategies Expose your child to everyday math (measurements, counting objects/money, shopping) Encourage your child to construct numbers in multiple ways. For example, what are some ways that you can make 10 (5+5, 6+4, 8+2, etc.) Have your child write or describe fractions in different ways. Encourage your child to stick with it whenever a problem seems difficult. This will help your child see that everyone can learn math. Praise your child when s/he makes an effort and share in the excitement when he or she solves a problems or understands it for the first time.

18 6 Tips for School Safety 1. Learn the schools emergency procedures. 2. Know travel routes to and from the school. 3. Know and follow school security and safety measures. 4. Talk with your child about safety. 5. Inform school staff about health and emotional concerns. 6. Get involved.

19 Parent Poll Were objectives of the Cedar Grove Elementary School Title I Parent Night successfully met? Text 37607 and enter 553953 to vote YES 553954 to vote NO

20 Parent Conference Sign-Up Please proceed to the classrooms to schedule a conference with your childs teacher, if needed. In the interest of time and fairness to all parents, teachers will not be able to have actual conferences tonight regarding your childs progress.

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