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Team building -Rothesay expedition Identify like minds

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1 Team building -Rothesay expedition Identify like minds
South Lanarkshire Rural Partnership, Scotland 20 larger projects and 100 small projects approved Establish common understanding and trust in FLAG– team building and induction training Create wider network - community conferences and learning visits Make it fun to participate and learn and recognise it can take time for everything to come together Team building -Rothesay expedition Identify like minds Establish where common priorities exist Establish working relationships Use the wider network At the start of Programme we felt it was important to establish a common understanding within the LAG of the Programme and what each of the Partners was trying to achieve. So when the UK rural network conference came to Scotland in November 2002 we took 10 LAG members for three days by the sea! Got to know and respect each other. ‘Networker of the Year’ award for working effectively with the Northern Irish We held a MB team building event designed to enable LAG members get a greater insight into each other….facilitator went through what each individual could contribute and what they where trying to achieve. Truckmans Group development model – Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing - these phases are all necessary and inevitable in order for the team to grow, to face up to challenges, to tackle problems, to find solutions, and to deliver results Our group started to work well together and began to be proactive in project development… with organisations beginning to work out how complementary skills and activities could be joined to greater overall cumulative impact. The effort on team building at the start of the process brought huge operational benefits as the Programme implementation developed – eg budget allocations We have always seen the need to keep everyone informed and involved…not just the LAG members…from developing the strategy and establishing priorities to implementing projects You get the best effort from others by not lighting a fire beneath but by building a fire within

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