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See if you can identify these examples!

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Presentation on theme: "See if you can identify these examples!"— Presentation transcript:

1 See if you can identify these examples!
Figurative Language Read the following examples and guess which figurative technique is being used. See if you can identify these examples!

2 His feet were like shovels!
She had a face as sweet as a luscious peach. They galloped like the wind.

3 Examples of… SIMILE

4 The night was dark, black coal!
The woods were a nightmare! The horse's tail was a hammer.

5 Examples of… METAPHOR

6 He ate as much as ten elephants.
He had arms a mile long. He ate as much as ten elephants. His horse galloped faster than the speed of light!

7 Examples of… HYPERBOLE

8 The branches screeched The flowers danced in the breeze.
and groaned. The flowers danced in the breeze. The wind whistled through the trees.


10 Brom Bones' brawny build.
Suspense and spookiness in Sleepy Hollow. The wild wind whistled a warning.

11 Examples of… ALLITERATION

12 The brook gurgled and splashed.
Katrina twirled and swirled on the dance floor. Horses galloped and trotted.

13 Examples of… ONOMATOPOEIA

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