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A Review & The Beginning

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1 A Review & The Beginning
The French Revolution A Review & The Beginning

2 Review Started in 1789 By the people of France
Brought down the king & made France a republic- a country ruled by the people Republic did not last, but France never returned to its old, unequal form of society The ideas of the FR spread to many other countries

3 Background People were pushing for change in society
Who remembers the names of the social classes? Bourgeoisie- new class of wealthy city people; wanted more power Farm workers & other common people were tired of working for the nobles They were tired of paying taxes that nobles didn’t have to pay Philosophers called for new forms of society & gov

4 What Else? French gov was weak
Spent too much on wars (most recently, the American Revolution) King Louis XVI & Queen Marie Antoinette spent a lot of money on themselves while the bourgeoisie & common people suffered

5 Revolution Begins To solve the probs, Louis 16 called the Estates-General together (May 1789) EG(^^^)- reps from the 3 classes Most of the commoners broke away & declared that they were now a National Assembly that represented the whole country (June) Storming of the Bastille- a crowd in Paris stormed an old prison called the Bastille & released the prisoners (July); this is considered to be the start of the FR

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