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AMIS 310 Foundations of Accounting

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1 AMIS 310 Foundations of Accounting
Chapter 12 Module 2 CHAPTER 1 MODULE 1 AMIS 310 Foundations of Accounting Professor Marc Smith

2 Chapter 12 Module 2: Cost Behaviors
Cost behavior is a term used to describe how costs change (react) to changes in the volume of activity (very useful in management decision-making) 3 ‘Types’ of Costs in Cost Behavior Analysis 1) Variable Costs 2) Fixed Costs 3) Mixed Costs

3 Chapter 12 Module 2: Variable Costs
● Variable costs IN TOTAL change in direct proportion to changes in the volume of activity ● Variable costs PER UNIT are constant meaning they do NOT change when the volume of activity changes ● Examples of variable costs include direct (raw) materials and direct labor

4 Chapter 12 Module 2: Variable Costs
A 3½-inch disk drive is added to each computer at a cost of $30 per computer. The total cost of disk drives for various levels of production is a follows: Number of Computers Produced Unit Cost of Disk Drives Total Cost of Disk Drives 10 $ $300 ,000 1, ,000 10, ,000

5 Chapter 12 Module 2: Fixed Costs
● Fixed costs IN TOTAL are constant meaning they do NOT change when the volume of activity changes ● Fixed costs PER UNIT change inversely with changes in the volume of activity (as the volume of activity increases, fixed costs per unit decrease) ● Examples of costs that are typically fixed costs include depreciation, rent, and advertising

6 Chapter 12 Module 2: Fixed Costs
The rent on the building where you produce computers is $1,000 per month. Number of Computers Produced Rent Cost per Computer Total Cost of Rent 1 $1, $1,000 ,000 ,000 1, ,000

7 Chapter 12 Module 2: Mixed Costs
● Mixed costs are costs that contain both a variable and a fixed element ● Because mixed costs have both variable and fixed components neither the total cost nor the unit cost is constant ● Examples of costs that are typically mixed costs include utilities and overhead

8 Chapter 12 Module 2: Cost Behaviors
COST BEHAVIOR ASSUMPTIONS: 1) The cost behaviors we have just discussed are assumed to exist over a relevant range Relevant range can be defined as the range of activity within which the assumptions made about cost behaviors by managers are valid 2) The cost behavior patterns we have discussed are assumed to be linear within the relevant range (the cost behavior pattern will plot as a straight line within the relevant range)

9 Chapter 12 Module 2: Cost Behaviors
Reminder: Mixed costs are costs that have both a variable and a fixed element. Thus, a mixed cost does not have a constant component.

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