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Effective ESY Behavior Support

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Presentation on theme: "Effective ESY Behavior Support"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective ESY Behavior Support

2 Objectives Participants will:
Identify key skills, duties and responsibilities of the ESY Behavior Intervention Staff Identify the elements of a Behavior Support Room

3 The Responsibility of the Behavior Interventionist
Implementation of the IEP (including FBA/ BIP) Collaboration Professional Development Proactive Intervention Response to Behavior Data Collection and Documentation The Behavior Support Room


5 Implementation of the IEP
Review the IEP of each student. Determine whether the student has an FBA / BIP. Obtain a copy of the FBA/BIP. Review the FBA/BIP and share with staff members. If you are unable to access the students’ files in TIENET, speak with the classroom teacher who will have access and can print the documents for you.

6 Collaboration Reviews Behavior Intervention Plans with staff members
Implements Behavior Plans Assists teachers and staff in the classroom Consults with administrators, parents and service providers.

7 Professional Development
Classroom management Crisis intervention FBA/BIP Implementation

8 Proactive Interventions
Understands anxiety, triggers and the crisis cycle Uses appropriate responses to students Models and participates in social skills instruction Communication skills

9 Responding to Behaviors
Understands and implements the NVCI and TACT2 Models Develops procedures to respond to classroom disruptions Shares procedures with all staff members

10 Counsel and Problem Solving
Understanding of Therapeutic Rapport and Therapeutic Problem Solving Knowledge of the Conflict Cycle Decoding Skills Active listening Acknowledging feelings Interpretation of surface behaviors Insight and New Skills

11 Data and Documentation
Daily and consistent completion of the Electronic Behavior Intervention Log Collecting additional data as required, for other sources

12 Electronic Log Ability to organize & sort the data
Ease of sharing the data between staff members Consistent behavior data collection county-wide Easier preparation of behavior reports, FBA, & BIPS Data can be turned into chart, graphs, tables, etc. Highlight the following benefits of using an electronic log Once data is entered, Excel can easily sort the data by many different criteria. Referrals can be broken down by any of the predetermined categories for which data is entered. Staff members who have access to the electronic log can view the information from any BCPS computer connected to the school server. They no longer have to have the paper copy in from of them. The electronic log template allows for consistent data to be collected county-wide. Each school will have the same types of data collection available to them. Because the data can be so easily sorted in Excel, you no longer need to download data from STARS to create a behavior report. The data template has columns that align with FBA and BIPS in Tienet. Excel data can be turned into graphs, charts, and tables that can be shared at meetings and in LRE Documents.

13 The Behavior Support Room
Provides the next level of intervention when in- class interventions have been exhausted and unsuccessful Is used for both proactive or responsive interventions Is used to de-escalate students to minimize lost instructional time

14 The Behavior Support Room
Remember, providing proactive supports to students in the classroom can help prevent many situations before they require referral to the Behavior Support Room.

15 Things to consider when designing a behavior support room for ESY:
Location and room arrangement Procedures and forms for referral Documentation required (log, data for IEPs) Processing after crisis intervention. Back up plans for staffing

16 Behavior Support Room may be used for:
Voluntary time out Teacher directed time out Problem-solving Mediation De-escalation Exclusion Restraint

17 Behavior Support Considerations
Consider Back up plan/Coverage should you not be available. Crisis Intervention Team. Who else is trained and can assist if needed? Communication. How will staff notify you?

18 Determine Procedures For:
Voluntary referrals Staff directed referrals Crisis Intervention Share these procedures with staff members at the start of ESY!

19 Procedures for the Behavior Support Room
What happens when students…. First enter the Behavior Support room? Are in the Behavior Support Room? Exit the Behavior Support room? Transition back to the classroom from the Behavior Support Room?

20 Voluntary Referrals How many are allowed? Length of time?
Procedures for implementation? Responsibility for work missed? Be sure to enter the information in the Electronic Log!

21 Staff referrals What behaviors warrant referral?
How is the problem communicated to behavioral intervention staff? What are the procedures to get to, enter, remain and return from the behavior intervention room? Are there consequences for being in the behavior support room? Be sure to enter information in the electronic log!

22 Crisis Intervention is used when
A student fails to respond to behavior support room interventions, and/or A student’s behavior is extremely dangerous, and/or A students behaviors are repetitive, disruptive and escalating in spite of staff intervention.

23 Crisis intervention procedures are regulated by COMAR for
Exclusion Seclusion Restraint

24 Forms and Documentation
Voluntary referral form or pass Staff-referral form Processing or problem solving form Electronic behavior support room log Individual student logs BCPS Referral for the use of exclusion/restraint/seclusion

25 The Purpose of Processing
Resolve the original problem Provide an opportunity to make amends Problem solve better ways of handling similar situations in the future Return to class ready to learn

26 In Conclusion… “I’ve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my personal approach that creates the climate; it’s my daily mood that makes the weather… In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated or a child humanized or dehumanized.” Dr. Haim Ginott

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