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Towards Peace: One Library at a Time, One Nation at a Time Constantia Constantinou SUNY Distinguished Librarian; CIES Fulbright Scholar Library Director,

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1 Towards Peace: One Library at a Time, One Nation at a Time Constantia Constantinou SUNY Distinguished Librarian; CIES Fulbright Scholar Library Director, SUNY Maritime College

2 CYPRUS O to set foot on Aphrodite's island, Cyprus,. haunted by the Loves,. who enchant brief Life with sweetness. Euripides, "The Bacchae". Towards Peace: One Library at a Time, One Nation at a Time Constantia Constantinou, SUNY Distinguished Librarian; CIES Fulbright Scholar First Humans - 10,000 BC Neolithic era – 9,000 BC Bronze Ages 1,200 BC Mycenaean – 1,100 BC Assyrians - 700 BC Persians -500 BC Alexander the Great - 300 BC Middle Ages /Byzantium 1400 Ottoman Empire -- 1570 British Empire -- 1800 Independence -- 1960

3 CYPRUS Country Divided- People United UN peacekeeping forces in one of the earlier missions, Cyprus 1967 Towards Peace: One Library at a Time, One Nation at a Time Constantia Constantinou, SUNY Distinguished Librarian; CIES Fulbright Scholar

4 TRUST Traitor or Spy Maximiano Ngabirano, a Catholic priest from Uganda, -- the only community where most people feel they really belong is one that transcends time, one we are members of forever. When he was asked by the reporter what he would take home from Cyprus: The challenge, is to apply what I have learned here without being regarded as a traitor by my own community or a spy by the other. Letter From Cyprus In a Divided Land, Lessons in Living Together. New York Times, by Nick Thorpe; August 15, 2010

5 Towards Peace: One Library at a Time, One Nation at a Time Constantia Constantinou, SUNY Distinguished Librarian; CIES Fulbright Scholar THE ASSIGNMENT 1.Work with the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot University Libraries in addressing their individual library challenges and aspirations 2.Promoting understanding while honoring cultural, ethnic and religious differences

6 Towards Peace: One Library at a Time, One Nation at a Time Constantia Constantinou, SUNY Distinguished Librarian; CIES Fulbright Scholar THE ASSIGNMENT Work with the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot University Libraries in undressing their individual library challenges and aspirations: Develop a library liaison program (UCY) Assess the findings of LibQual surveys (UCY) Offer preservation advice to special libraries Enable OCLC network membership for Cyprus (UCY) Promoted the Cyprus Library Consortium Lectures of American Librarianship practices (NEU, UCY, EMU) Conversations: Open Forum discussions with librarians (NEU, UCY, EMU)

7 Towards Peace: One Library at a Time, One Nation at a Time Constantia Constantinou, SUNY Distinguished Librarian; CIES Fulbright Scholar THE ASSIGNMENT Promoting understanding while honoring cultural, ethnic and religious differences Learned the language, Eat the food, Observed the customs Developed trust and shared in each others lives and communities

8 Towards Peace: One Library at a Time, One Nation at a Time Constantia Constantinou, SUNY Distinguished Librarian; CIES Fulbright Scholar THE GATHERING

9 Towards Peace: One Library at a Time, One Nation at a Time Constantia Constantinou, SUNY Distinguished Librarian; CIES Fulbright Scholar THE EXCHANGE SUNY CORNELL COLUMBIA NYPL

10 Towards Peace: One Library at a Time, One Nation at a Time Constantia Constantinou, SUNY Distinguished Librarian; CIES Fulbright Scholar THE BOOK

11 Towards Peace: One Library at a Time, One Nation at a Time Constantia Constantinou, SUNY Distinguished Librarian; CIES Fulbright Scholar THE LIBRARY

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