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Subcellular distribution of presynaptic CaV2

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1 Subcellular distribution of presynaptic CaV2
Subcellular distribution of presynaptic CaV2.2 channels in putative primary afferent terminals in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Subcellular distribution of presynaptic CaV2.2 channels in putative primary afferent terminals in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. (A–C) Electron micrographs showing immunoreactivity for CaV2.2_HA in CaV2.2_HAKI/KI mice detected by the preembedding immunogold method. Immunoparticles labeling HA were observed in the active zone (arrowheads in B and C) of boutons (b), as well as localized to the perisynaptic (arrows) and extrasynaptic (double arrows) membrane segments of axon terminals making asymmetrical synapses with postsynaptic dendritic shafts (den) and dendritic spines (s). (D) No immunolabeling for the channel subunit was detected in tissues from control WT mice. (Scale bars: 200 nm.) Data are from n = 2 mice of each genotype. Manuela Nieto-Rostro et al. PNAS doi: /pnas ©2018 by National Academy of Sciences

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