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Darwin and the History to his Theory of Natural Selection (7.1) Part 1

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Presentation on theme: "Darwin and the History to his Theory of Natural Selection (7.1) Part 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Darwin and the History to his Theory of Natural Selection (7.1) Part 1
Pre AP Biology Darwin and the History to his Theory of Natural Selection (7.1) Part 1

2 Charles Darwin

3 Darwin’s Book

4 Plato

5 Aristotle

6 Carolus Linnaeus

7 Binomial Nomenclature
Example: Humans Homo sapiens Homo is the Genus part. sapiens is the Species part.

8 Taxonomy of Life

9 Georges Cuvier

10 Examples of fossils

11 Fossil Formation

12 Jean Baptiste Lamarck

13 Darwin and the History to his Theory of Natural Selection (7.1) Part 2
Pre AP Biology Darwin and the History to his Theory of Natural Selection (7.1) Part 2

14 England

15 Darwin’s Voyage around the world on the H. M. S
Darwin’s Voyage around the world on the H.M.S. beagle with Captain Fitzroy

16 H.M.S. Beagle

17 November 24, 1859

18 Example of Descent with Modification and Natural Selection

19 Thomas Malthus Principles of Population

20 Malthus’s Hypothesis Life is a struggle to exist

21 Artificial Selection in food

22 Artificial Selection in Animals

23 Population

24 Homologous Structures

25 Embryological Homologies

26 Molecular Homologies

27 Biogeography and Convergent Evolution

28 Analogous Structures

29 Whale fossil showing evidence of legs

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