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CPSC 233 Tutorial 1 January 19th, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "CPSC 233 Tutorial 1 January 19th, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPSC 233 Tutorial 1 January 19th, 2015

2 Introduction Name: Muhammad Rezaul Karim
Contact Information: I am a PhD Student at the Department of Computer Science Web: You would want to insert information about yourself here.

3 Rules Be on time Be respectful of others No food or drinks in the lab
Cell phones off or turned silent Stay off Facebook, stay on topic Take personal conversations outside

4 Tutorial Structure 15 – 20 minutes discussion
30-35 minutes tutorial exercise Occasional work period for assignments.

5 Java! Using Java 7 for this course JRE vs JDK
JRE: Java Runtime Environment. Used to running Java programs. JDK: Java Development Kit. Used to create and compile Java programs. Install JDK: up-hello-world.html JavaGamesProgramming is a blog I was working on last year which didn’t get started well. However, this page gives step by step instructions to download and setup JDK, install Eclipse, and create Hello World.

6 Java IDEs Eclipse Net Beans IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA

7 Important Note 1 Regardless of how you write your code, your assignment submissions must be able to compile on these lab computers using the Java compiler.

8 Important Note 2 If you have IDE related questions, you are mostly on your own to solve them. We recommend using a basic text editor. Windows: Notepad++. Mac: TextWrangler. Available on App Store for free Linux: GEdit. Comes built in. Vim These text editors help with context highlighting.

9 Remote Access Access your CPSC account from home!
You do not get a full GUI Test your assignment on the lab computers before submitting them.

10 Remote Access CPSC Servers: Windows: WinSCP: PuTTY: Mac / Linux: FileZilla: If you want you can give a demo about SSH using your own laptop.

11 Account Login Can you log in to these computers?
If not, then go see the Help Desk (MS 151).

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