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Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831)

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Presentation on theme: "Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831)
President Andrew Jackson, “John Marshall has made his decision. Let him enforce it.” Chief Justice John Marshall, “Cherokee Nation are not subject to state law.”

2 Little Rock Nine Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Governor Orval Faubus refused President Eisenhower sent in the army

3 Tefillin at Qumran



6 משנה סנהדרין יא:ג חומר בדברי סופרים מבדברי תורה האומר אין תפילין כדי לעבור על דברי תורה פטור חמשה טוטפות להוסיף על דברי סופרים חייב. There is a greater stringency regarding teachings of the scribes than regarding teachings of the Torah. If one says, there is no precept of tefillin, such that a biblical law would be transgressed, he is exempt. [But, if he rules that the tefillin must contain] five compartments, thus adding to the words of the scribes, he is liable.

7 Yerushalmi Sanhedrin 11:4 (30b)
התורה אמרה ארבע טוטפות של ארבע פרשיות עשאן חמש טוטפות של ארבע פרשיות חייב The Torah stipulated four sections of four pericopae; if one made five sections of four pericopae he is liable.

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