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Kickin’ Ass, who cares about your name!

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1 Kickin’ Ass, who cares about your name!
The Vandals Kickin’ Ass, who cares about your name!

2 Origins East Germanic tribe. Most likely of Swedish and Norwegian origins. Most likely mixed with Slavic people

3 Warriors Marcommanic Wars: Attack the Roman Empire near the Danube in 271 against Emperor Aurelian Location not good: too many other barbarian tribes Constantine the Great eventually grants them land. Vandals convert to Christianity (not too barbarian!) Eventually attack Catholics all over

4 On the move Huns invade forcing the Vandals westward
Pushed all the way to the Rhine, but run into the Franks 406 tear up Gaul, cross the Pyrenees in 409 and settle in modern day Spain and Portugal 418: Visigoths invaded, killing many, then leave

5 On to Africa 429: North Africa here we come
About 80,00 people (15-20K were army) RAID, RAID, RAID Were they there as a protective force for warlords, or saw a weakness in the Roman Empire, or pushed out of Spain by other barbarians?

6 Pillage, Pillage, Pillage
Sack Carthage in 439 Started a new calendar in honor of it Took over Carthage’s boats and created biggest navy around Attack Sicily and Rome with help of allies: Alans, Moors, and Goths

7 455: Take Rome Emperor stoned to death by his people
Pope Leo fears for Rome’s safety so cuts a deal with the Vandals Deal was not to kill people or burn buildings down Gates to Rome were opened and the Vandals stole all they could, including the Empress and her family


9 Constant battles with Romans
Decades of fighting and raid were making Vandals greedy Split in some of the leadership Lots of battles at sea The Moors left their alliance w/ the Vandals

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