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Latitude and Longitude

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Presentation on theme: "Latitude and Longitude"— Presentation transcript:

1 Latitude and Longitude

2 Know your directions!!

3 Latitude and Longitude
Equator: imaginary line that goes east and west and divides the earth into two equal halves called hemispheres (northern and southern) Prime Meridian: imaginary line that goes north and south and divides the earth into two equal hemispheres (east and west) Latitude: lines that run left and right of the earth. Latitude lines above the equator are north latitudes, latitude lines south of the equator are south latitudes Longitude: lines that run up and down the earth. Longitude lines east of the Prime Meridian are east longitudes, and longitude lines west of the prime meridian are west longitudes


5 Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere

6 Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere

7 latitude

8 Longitude



11 p. A4-A5 Working with your partner find the coordinates for the following cities 1-Sydney, Australia 2-Beijing, China 3-Vancouver, Canada 4-Cape Town, South Africa 5-Buenos Aires, Argentina

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