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Exploring Growth Mindset

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Growth Mindset"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Growth Mindset
R&D Teach Meet 12th February :30-18:30 Exploring Growth Mindset An introduction to growth mindset theory An opportunity to examine more deeply what it is and its potential implications for you and your school.  4.30 Arrival and refreshments 4.45-5 Welcome and introduction to growth mindset 5-5:45 TeachMeet presentations on issues relevant to growth mindset 5:45-6:30 Breakout activities and discussions - a closer look at the theory and potential implications of growth mindset

2 What is “Growth Mindset”?
Exploring Growth Mindset What is “Growth Mindset”? Carol Dweck – Professor of Psychology at Stanford Researcher of personality, motivation, development. Theory that there are two mindsets – fixed and growth. Dweck will explain more…

3 …at Sawton Village College
Exploring Growth Mindset …at Sawton Village College We are not experts…yet. We are not (yet) committed advocates. Initial investigations – should we do GM at SVC? Collectively learning about GM Staff meeting then working party of 25 colleagues Reading and researching, visiting schools, reviewing policy, considering implications presenting recommendations

4 Exploring Growth Mindset
Formative assessment School values Motivation and responding to challenge Making the skills and process of learning explicit P2P and P2T relationships …?

5 Growth Mindset Realising school values Skills and attitudes to learning Reflection Self-assessment

6 I can set and achieve my targets
Achieving I can do well at school I can set and achieve my targets I can demonstrate that I want to achieve success I can seek out additional resources and tasks I can complete all tasks with effort and determination I can learn from previous mistakes Self-Motivated I can push myself and not give in I can keep my concentration throughout the lesson I can behave appropriately to support my learning I can go beyond the minimum I can complete work on time and to the best of my ability I can find solutions when faced with challenges Positive I can make a positive contribution to my learning and my school I can be a good role model for my peers I can believe in my ability to succeed I can enjoy my learning I can celebrate success of others I can encourage others to succeed Independent I can take responsibility as a learner I can come to school equipped to learn I can act on feedback to achieve my targets I can solve problems for myself I can show initiative and take my learning further I can be punctual to lessons, ready to learn Respectful I can think of others I can listen to the views of others I can take responsibility for my actions I can value diversity and difference I can support others in their learning and well being I can show pride in our school Engaged I can participate in lessons and the College I can contribute positively in lessons I can listen actively in lessons I can show leadership I can be a good team member I can make the most of opportunities

7 e.g.? Achieving I can do well at school
I can set and achieve my targets I can demonstrate that I want to achieve success I can seek out additional resources and tasks I can complete all tasks with effort and determination I can learn from previous mistakes Self-Motivated I can push myself and not give in I can keep my concentration throughout the lesson I can behave appropriately to support my learning I can go beyond the minimum I can complete work on time and to the best of my ability I can find solutions when faced with challenges Positive I can make a positive contribution to my learning and my school I can be a good role model for my peers I can believe in my ability to succeed I can enjoy my learning I can celebrate success of others I can encourage others to succeed Independent I can take responsibility as a learner I can come to school equipped to learn I can act on feedback to achieve my targets I can solve problems for myself I can show initiative and take my learning further I can be punctual to lessons, ready to learn Respectful I can think of others I can listen to the views of others I can take responsibility for my actions I can value diversity and difference I can support others in their learning and well being I can show pride in our school Engaged I can participate in lessons and the College I can contribute positively in lessons I can listen actively in lessons I can show leadership I can be a good team member I can make the most of opportunities e.g.?


9 Assess and celebrate the processes of learning not the outcomes?
Do my success criteria simply describe a final product? Should they instead describe the thought processes, challenges and efforts that pupils ought to make? We record and report grades, assessment marks, etc. Should we instead report examples of challenges overcome, etc.? Do the right things and “The score will look after itself.” Bill Walsh, 3 time Superbowl winning NFL coach

10 Could pupils take the lead in reporting and sharing their learning?
Portfolios of evidence of learning – not of outcomes? (e.g. the draft with lots of corrections, not the final piece) Pupils write their own reports? Pupils take the lead at parents’ evenings?


12 Exploring Growth Mindset
A closer look… Read the articles etc. (on GM, character, effort, talent, the role of practice, etc.) Prompt questions and grids for gathering and sharing ideas

13 Exploring Growth Mindset
What resonates? Any reservations? Next steps?


15 Exploring Growth Mindset
A Exploring Growth Mindset Title of article (etc.) Interesting ideas in the article / themes Questions you have about this idea Possible implications for you and your school Links with other articles / further reading Actions?

16 Exploring Growth Mindset
B Exploring Growth Mindset Article title and author: Relevance to character education Relevance to assessment Relevance to relationships Relevance to aspiration, motivation, engagement, etc. Relevance to rewards Relevance to curriculum Relevance to school values Other relevant issues?

17 Exploring Growth Mindset
C Exploring Growth Mindset Article title and author: I agree with… I disagree with… I would like to know more about… Currently I… I would like to try… As a school we would need to change… I would need to… Pupils would need to… Parents would need to…

18 Exploring Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset (and related) theories suggest that… I am particularly interested in… I am going to…

19 Exploring Growth Mindset
In order to be a Growth Mindset teacher / school… What they should think… What they should do… What they should say… Teachers, TAs, tutors, pastoral leaders, etc. Whole school Pupils Parents

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