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Welcome to Middle School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Middle School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Middle School
Mrs. DeOliveira

2 Classroom Rules 1. Be respectful to others and their property.
Be responsible for oneself. Obey directions Make good choices and take responsibility for your actions. 5. Come to class prepare to learn with all supplies and a good attitude: a) agenda b) pencil c) pen d) notebook 6. Do your BEST work!

3 My Expectations Ask questions at the appropriate times when you do not understand something, or see me after class. Complete all assigned work to the very best of your ability. Study and prepare for tests and quizzes. When you are absent, take responsibility for making up all work. Understand the similarities and differences of others in our classroom. Communicate with me as to any way I can better help you be successful in class or out of class.

4 Policies Homework -- given a few days a week to review class material
Must be completed in its entirety to receive credit! You are responsible for copying assignments into planners (assignments will be posted on the board AND weebly: All unfinished class work will be HOMEWORK!

5 Supply List Composition Notebook or 1 subject notebook
Science folder/ Accordion folder/ binder Flash-drive Pencil Case (extra supplies)

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