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Innovative Public Services Group

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Presentation on theme: "Innovative Public Services Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovative Public Services Group
Agenda at IPSG I primarily focused on gaining input to the MTP process From: EGPA, Study group on PA performance Session on sustainability reporting in PA COM DG Admin – checklist on PA reform

2 The IPSG subgroups Learning Team on CSM
Meeting at Statskontoret 16 September - National approaches to Customer Satisfaction Measuring CSM event in Lithuania 18 March 2010 The CAF Expert Group 4th CAF Users Event postponed Meeting in Oslo 28 September LT on reduction of administrative burden 6th meeting, 20 October, Vienna

3 The IPSG MTP-process Priorities perceived as ”broad”
Request for intermediate level between priorities and activities discussion on WP launched Follow-up of the present MTP Inventory of previous IPSG Studies Input expected from the subgroups on their future activities Input from EGPA on performance in PA received

4 Tentative IPSG activities in WP - The continuity dimension
A performing public administration Common Assessment Framework CAF Event 2010? CAF Action Plan implemented Quality Conferences - Guidelines on 6QC, 2010 An administration serving the citizens Customer Satisfaction Management - CSM Event, March 2010 - Assessment of LT, June 2010 Reduction of adm burdens A sustainable PA

5 Tentative IPSG activities in WP - The innovative dimension
A performing public administration Improved performance orientation Development of AEVAL methodology - Survey: Performance assessment in EU 27 PA Reform -LT:s or workshops on PAR Checklist An administration serving the citizens ? A sustainable PA Sustainability Reporting in PA - Development of PA sectoral addendum to GRI guidelines

6 IPSG II – 17-18 November, Malmö
MTP: Work programmes 6 QC OECD GOV EIPA: Comparative study on horizontal government cooperation

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