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Louis 1661-1715 and Peter 1682-1725.

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Presentation on theme: "Louis 1661-1715 and Peter 1682-1725."— Presentation transcript:

1 Louis and Peter

2 The Sun King

3 Louis the “Sun King” Versailleshttp://

4 Centralization Methods Politically
Use of Divine Right Theory/Revocation of Edict of Nantes

5 Never called Estates General and arrested some members
“Meeting adjourned, oh wait, I never called you to meet in the first place” “Guilty”

6 Intendants are king’s ears and eyes
                                See full-size image. 407 x k Intendants are king’s ears and eyes

7 Created first organized standing army that was uniformed, trained, supplied

8 Centralization economically
Follows Colbert’s mercantilism: East India Company, West India Company. Encouraged ship building and merchant marine.

9 French classicism also embodied his power and control over France
Puget Poussin La Fosse

10 Weaken everything. The End
But Louis’s Wars: The War of Devolution ( ),The Dutch war ( ), The War of the League of Augsburg ( ), The War of the Spanish Succession ( ) Weaken everything. The End

11 Louis’s death will leave France in incredible debt with little power to the people, this will result in revolution and his great grandson’s execution about 80 years later

12 Peter “The Great”

13 Centralization Methods Politically
Power over streltsy and boyars, state over church. Table of Ranks discounted noble birth

14 Brutally put down rebellions

15 forced Westernization, reorganize administration and develop economy

16 St. Petersburg to copy architectural beauty of Louis XIV’s France

17 Modernization of army and wars
Lost to Sweden originally which embarrassed Peter so he spent more on army and used Western technology to later expand borders

18 Because Peter had his son tortured to death there is no legitimate (he did have other children) heir so confusion for several years over who should rule.

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