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English context This year the GCSE in English is a much more challenging GCSE. We have been warned to expect the pass rates to drop by 22% in English.

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Presentation on theme: "English context This year the GCSE in English is a much more challenging GCSE. We have been warned to expect the pass rates to drop by 22% in English."— Presentation transcript:

1 English context This year the GCSE in English is a much more challenging GCSE. We have been warned to expect the pass rates to drop by 22% in English. There is no more security of having Controlled Assessment marks before entering the exam. The new GCSE also means students cannot have the texts in the exam with them.

2 English where are we now?
We will have covered all of the exam content by Christmas. The five months after Christmas will be dedicated to revision and practise of each exam paper. Timings and structures are key and we will be ensuring all students have the opportunity to become experts in these areas.

3 English What will be on offer?
Quality first teaching every day and homework Intervention opportunities Lesson 7 Spring PPEs and reflection February half term, Easter holiday and May half term revision- including revision guides for every student. Saturday immersions in April/May Walking talking mocks and breakfast revision

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