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ELO Data Points Time: 1 Materials: none Facilitator notes:

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1 ELO Data Points Time: 1 Materials: none Facilitator notes:
NSNH collected 2 different types of data. One set of data- the ELO Fidelity Tool measured process. The other set -the ELO characteristics data base tracked specific elements of actual ELO’s.

2 Data Elements to Consider
In tracking your ELO’s consider the following data points: Number of ELO’s- yearly or by semester Number of ELO’s for students at risk, and with IEP’s Time 2 mins Materials ELO data characteristics tool Facilitator notes: In tracking the success of your ELO program consider the following data points Number of ELO’s- how many are being done each year? When do they start? How long do students work on them? Who is doing an ELO? Students at risk? Those with an IEP? High achievers? Credit recovery? By looking at who is doing them you can monitor results or identify students who may benefit but who are unaware of the opportunity. Tends may show that they are not being offered to some students or that some students may need more support to participate in an ELO

3 Data Elements to Consider
Subject areas- core classes or electives Type of ELO- internship, sports team, community service Credits awarded Student & Teacher satisfaction Time 2 mins Materials ELO data characteristics tool Facilitator notes: Subject areas- are ELO’s only occurring for electives or are students able to take an ELO and receive core class credit for them? Are certain subjects easier to identify competencies for and community partners? Type of ELO- what activities are students participating in to complete their ELO? Remember the almost ELO chart- are there activities that students are participating in that will modifications- they maybe able to receive an credit for in a core class or elective? This information maybe a great starting place to see what – with modifications- could become ELO’s for students Credits- how many credits are students earning when they complete an ELO? Is if for a full class of for partial credit? Would encourage you to consider grades here too- is students only receiving pass/fail or are they reciving an A/B/C or 4/3.5/3 etc? What weight are you giving studentsto the work they have done for their ELO? Students and Teachers participating in ELOs complete surveys. Data is used to provide practical feedback to teachers, and to inform the implementation team about successes and challenges.

4 ELO Fidelity Tool Time: 3 mins Materials: ELO fidelity tool
Facilitator notes: NSNH looks at 4 broad categories for ELO fidelity- policy & administrative support, process for development of ELO’s, ELO development & monitoring and program evaluation. Within those 4 areas, there are 10 data elements the tool collects data on. The next slides highlight areas where school typically indicate they have the practice in place and those areas that are in development. Your school has completed this once, will do so again this spring

5 We want it to be like this:
Sustaining the Work We want it to be like this: Not like this: Time 1 min Materials None Facilitator notes; Now that we know where we are and have reviewed the work done to date- lets discuss the structures and supports necessary to sustain that work done to date and build on it. Focus will be on those areas that have traditionally been the hardest to implement. Beyondclassroom has resources to support your work

6 Typical Successful Areas
Written policy Planning team development & facilitation Faculty/staff support Assessments Student centered planning

7 Challenging Areas ELO plan development and monitoring Referral process
Program goals Inclusion of parents/families ELO program quality . ELO Plan Development and Monitoring Focus is on having trained staff who know about ELO’s and can facilitate the ELO process, shared tools and rubrics Referrals There is a referral process for ELOs within the school that is easily available and known to students, parents, and all staff Program Goals There is a team that sets goals and assesses the ELO system in the school sets goals from the program Inclusion of Parents/Families The resources and trained staff exist to ensure that parents/family members are included in the ELO process ELO Program Quality Students, parents, staff, and community partner’s satisfaction with the ELO process & outcomes are assessed annually.

8 Activity 3: Stages of Implementation
Where are you in the stages of implementation? In the ELO fidelity tool, Section D is Program Evaluation and Program Goals is #9. 9.1: There is a team that has part of its mission to develop, support, and assess the ELO system in the school 9.2: The team sets measureable annual goals for its ELO implementation (numbers of ELOs, development goals) 9.3: The team measures achievement at the end of every year relative to the goals.

9 ELO Plan Development and Monitoring
What is your ELO policy? Areas to consider: # of ELO’s, when they take place, grading, transportation, expenses Is your policy put into practice? How do staff learn about it? Data shows that most schools have the basics of ELO policy in place, however, are there areas you need to sharpen or hone your policy. Beyondclassroom has sample ploicies and the ELO handbook also offerg

10 ELO Implementation Within the School
Staff knowledge of ELO referral and system ELO documentation (design template, rubrics) With Students & Families How do they know about ELOs? Program of studies In the Community Business partners Show PIC ELO brochure Next Steps website

11 Point Person for ELO’s ELO Coordinator? Internship Coordinator?
Work with educators, students, families and community partners to develop credit bearing educational opportunities outside of the traditional classroom setting Ensure compliance with all federal, state and school rules and regulations Confirm competencies and programmatic requirements are met Source: NH Extended Learning Opportunity Program Design Handbook For starters we need to know who the point person for ELO’s is. Might be Work Based Learning Coordinator or Internship Coordinator. ELO’s require coordination between a wide variety of partners. If you do not have someone designated as the ELO Coordinator- who does this work?

12 ELO Coordinators ELO Collaborative Ring
Meets monthly to discuss ELO’s, to share best practices, discuss policies and practices. Have developed a handbook that provides guidance and resources for your ELO program There is a statewide ELO Coordinators group that meets monthly. Future meeting dates and locations are below for : March 16th - 9am-12pm, NHDOE Walker Building RM 100 Fruit St. in Concord April 14th - 9am-12pm, NHDOE Walker Building RM 100 Fruit St. in Concord May 17th - 9am-12pm, NHDOE Walker Building RM 100 Fruit St. in Concord June 29th - 9am to 2pm, NHDOE Walker Building RM 100 Fruit St. in Concord

13 Recruitment & Application
Ability for students, families & staff to learn about ELO’s Ease in developing an ELO What is your process- share Convals

14 ELO Program Monitoring
Planning Team Development & Facilitation Creating a team to support ELO implementation in the school Inclusion of Parents and Families Inviting family members to support a student’s plan and ELO Tapping into the network of families to support ELOs in the school and community?

15 ELO Program Quality What ELO program oversight is currently in place?
What is the process for collecting data on the outcomes of the ELOs being implemented? Evaluation of the overall success of the ELO program. The final section of the fidelity tool looks at ELO Program Quality in Section D under Program Evaluation. 10.1: Annual measurement of student / parent satisfaction with ELO process and outcomes 10.2: Annual measurement of staff satisfaction with ELO process and outcomes 10.3: Annual measurement of the community providers involvment and satisfaction with ELO process and outcomes 10.4: Anuual measurement of the quality, rigor and depth of learning of the ELOs.

16 Activity 4: Action Plan Based on the discussion today…
What action steps are you going to take to support and strengthen your ELO program?

17 Wrap Up Thoughts? Questions? Feedback?
Interest in sharing contact information between schools? Post test

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