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Memory cognitive psychology

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1 Memory cognitive psychology
Paper 1

2 Learning objectives By the end of the session you will be able to:
Describe what memory is Describe the coding, capacity and duration of sensory register Demonstrate your understanding of the information processing model of memory

3 What’s a “model”? Not an exact copy, but a representation of something
Helps us understand how something works

4 What is a model? Looking at the evidence, research is conducted to test assumptions of a model Model is then either supported, updated or refuted This is using a scientific method so Experiments are used within Cognitive Psychology There are different types of experiments: Adam mentioned a couple, can you remember what they were?

5 What is memory It is remembering the places you have been
It is remembering how to ride your bike It is recognising the faces of people you know It is learning and recalling information It is remembering important events How accurate is memory? Can we rely on it?

6 So what exactly is it??!! Memory has been defined as the ability to retain knowledge and information, as well as the ability to retrieve the information and knowledge which has been stored. 10 facts about memory Whilst you watch the clip, make a note of a few things that you didn’t know about memory

7 1 2 3 Encoding Storage Retrieval
Psychologists use the term ‘memory’ to refer to these three processes. Encoding 1 Storage 2 Retrieval 3

8 Encoding This refers to how we encode sensory information so that we can make sense of the information. For example sound waves enter your ears and these are converted by your brain into words that have meaning.

9 Retrieval refers to the ability to recover information from storage.
This information can then be stored in your memory for use at a later date Retrieval refers to the ability to recover information from storage.

10 There are 3 Different types of retrieval
Recall This is when you retrieve information that is stored. Like writing down the number of words you can recall from a word list. Recognition is when you know something is familiar Reintegration this is when you reconstruct a memory using cues.

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