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Business Communication

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1 Business Communication

2 Introduction to Business Communication

3 What is Communication? Source: Source:

4 Is communication a two way process only?
What are the key elements of communication? Why communicate? Is communication a two way process only? What are the types of communication channels? What is the importance of communication? What are the potential problems?

5 Communicating Requirements to communicate Means of communication
What are the benefits? What factors affect it? Why do we need to codify it?

6 Communicating Interpreted by the listener.
Meaning is assigned by listener and not the speaker. To achieve a common purpose. Social networking & bonding. Organizational goal setting and effective achievement. Efficiency.

7 Definition “Communication is the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers , using one or more, written, oral, visual or electronic media”. (Excellence in Business Communication, John V. Thill, Courtland L. Bovée)

8 Communication Process

9 Communication Process
The Sender The source refers to the individual or group who intend to communicate an idea to their audience.

10 Communication Process
Encoding Putting an idea into a message (words, images, or a combination of both)

11 Communication Process
Medium The form in which a message is presented; the four categories of media are oral, written, visual, and electronic.

12 Communication Process
The Receiver Anyone who is audience to the message is referred to as the receiver. For example, all viewers of a television advertisement can be referred to as the ‘receivers’ of the message.

13 Communication Process
Decoding Decoding can be defined at the receiver interpreting the message and coming to an understanding about what the source is communicating.

14 Communication Process
Feedback / Response Information from receivers regarding the quality and effectiveness of a message.

15 Communication Process
Noise / Interference Noise refers to anything that interferes with the communication process between a speaker and an audience.

16 Communication Process
Noise can be Psychologial Environmental Physical Semantic

17 Communication Process
Is communication important to your career? Is communication important to your company?

18 Effective or ineffective?
Communication Effective or ineffective?

19 Effective Business Communication
Provide practical information. Give facts rather than vague impressions. Present information in a concise, efficient manner. Clarify expectations and responsibilities. Offer compeling, persuasive arguments and recommendations.

20 Challenges of Business Communication
Globalization of business, increase in workforce diversity. Increasing value of business information. Technology. Organizational structures and leadership styles. Teamwork.

21 What do employers expect of you?
Organize ideas and information logically and completely. Express ideas and information coherently and persuasively. Listen to others. Communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Use communication technology effectively and efficiently. Follow accepted standards of grammar, spelling and other aspects of high-quality writing and speaking.

22 Communicating in an organizational context
Downward communication Upward communication Horizontal communication Formal communication network Informal communication network

23 Communicating in an Organizational Context

24 Using Technology To communicate effectively
Keep technology in perspective. Guard against information overload. Use technology tools productively. Disengage from the computer frequently to communicate in person.

25 Powerful Tools For Communicating Effectively – Redefining The Office
Wireless Network Electronic Presentations Source: Source: Shared Workspaces Virtual Meeting Spaces Source: Source:

26 Collaborating Wikis Web based meetings

27 Collaborating Videoconferencing and Telepresence Crowdsourcing and
Collaboration Platforms Social Networking

28 Sharing Information Social Tagging and Bookmarking
Interactive Data Visualization RSS Newsfeeds

29 Sharing Information Supply Chain Management Software Community Q&A

30 Interacting With Customers
Customer Service User-Generated Context

31 Interacting With Customers
Blogs Podcast Microblogs

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