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Sustainable materials for Resistant Materials

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1 Sustainable materials for Resistant Materials
Statements you could make in your coursework PowerPoint

2 Timber - It will not only be just as effective, more individual and visually interesting, it will also be cheaper! Use jointed timbers, whenever possible - Timber can be joined on its ends by finger-joints and metal nail-plates, or on its width, by glue-laminating. Be aware that composite beams are more often than not stronger than timber - They also use less timber in acquiring their strength than clear grade timber beams. Buy timber from (smaller) sawmillers who can demonstrate a commitment to optimising wood-recovery during milling - ie, by radial sawing, band-sawing, laser sawing, portable milling, etc. Some Suggestions for a New Approach to Timber Use: Think about whether you really need to use new timber - Would a secondhand material suffice? Use the lowest grade and smallest-sized pieces of timber appropriate for the job - The common practice of ordering full lengths and then cutting them up into small pieces makes no environmental sense at all. Do not throw out offcuts - Put them aside and use them on the next job. Use standard and utility appearance-grade timber, rather than select-grade - Particularly if the surface is going to be painted or otherwise hidden. Do not ask for blemish-free timber (clear-grade) and do not insist on stringent colour-matching specifications - This leads to increased wastage and downgrading of timber to lower-value applications. Consider using furniture made from knotty, or 'feature-grade' timber

3 Ways to Make Your Home or Workplace More Energy-efficient
Construct an entry 'airlock'. Close off the staircase from downstairs rooms to avoid upward heat loss. Create doorways between living/working areas, and sleeping/washing areas, etc - so only the living space is heated. Use a fuel-efficient wood burner (make sure the chimney/flue is sealed off from the room). Place a maximum number of windows on the north side of the building - minimise glassed areas on other sides. Use double glazing, low-E glass, or drapes - with pelmet designed to prevent convection movement adjacent to windows. Create passive heat storage - place thermal mass elements in sunny spaces (eg, masonry or water). Use roof/wall/floor insulation.

4 This site has many helpful data sheets to help you draw up your coursework PowerPoint Flow diagram help notes


6 Feedback and modification suggestions
Planning sheet Task Materials Job to be completed H&S QC and QA Feedback and modification suggestions

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