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Talking about the future TLl gyda T, C, P; TM gyda B, D, G, Ll, M, Rh

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Presentation on theme: "Talking about the future TLl gyda T, C, P; TM gyda B, D, G, Ll, M, Rh"— Presentation transcript:

1 Talking about the future TLl gyda T, C, P; TM gyda B, D, G, Ll, M, Rh
Letter Soft mutation (dy) Nasal mutation (fy) Aspirate mutation (ei ... hi) t tad d dy dad nh fy nhad th ei thad hi p pensil b dy bensil mh fy mhensil ph ei phensil hi c car g dy gar ngh fy nghar ch ei char hi brawd f dy frawd m fy mrawd dosbarth dd dy ddosbarth n fy nosbarth gardd - dy ardd ng fy ngardd ll llyfr L dy lyfr rh rhaglen r dy raglen mam dy fam Talking about the future Use the future tense of the verb “bod” + your chosen verb Byddaf i’n canu – I will sing Fydda i ddim yn canu – I will not sing Fydda i’n canu? – Will I sing? X ? Byddaf i’n I will Fydda i ddim I will not Fydda i? Will I? MAP IAITH CYMRAEG Y Gorffennol – the past X TLl gyda T, C, P; TM gyda B, D, G, Ll, M, Rh ? TM Berfau rheolaidd: Canu – to sing Canais i – I sang Chanais i ddim – I didn’t sing (T. Ll) Ganais i? – Did I sing? (T. M. ) Berf afreolaidd: Cael – to get / have Ces i – I had Ches i ddim – I didn’t have / get Ges i? – Did I have / get? Gwneud – to do / make Gwnes i – I did / made Wnes i ddim – I didn’t do / make Wnes i? – Did I do / make? Dod to come Des i – I came Ddes i ddim – I didn’t come Ddes i? – Did I come? Mynd – to go Es i – I went Es i ddim – I didn’t go Es i? – Did I go?

2 Opinions – sentence starters
Useful connectives and extenders a / ac and ond but gyda with heb without hefyd also sut bynnag however achos bod e’n… because it’s oherwydd mae e’n… as it’s felly so os ydy e’n if it’s ar y llaw arall on the other hand Opinions – sentence starters Dw i’n dwli ar… I love… Dw i’n hoffi… I like … Dw i’n wir yn hoffi… I really like … Dw i ddim yn hoffi… I don’t like … Dw i’n casáu… I hate … Dw i’n meddwl bod… I think that … er although ble where neu or ar ôl after yn gyntaf firstly yn olaf lastly wedyn then eto again gyda’i gilydd together ar fy mhen fy hun on my own Positive adjectives achos ei fod yn… because it’s … ddymunol pleasant hyfryd lovely arbennig brilliant ddoniol funny ffantastig fantastic wych excellent anghyffredin extraordinary hawdd easy anhygoel tremendous ddiddorol interesting fendigedig brilliant berffaith perfect gyffrous exciting ddefnyddiol useful gampus sensational ysblennydd splendid neis nice Mae e’n / Mae hi’n : it is Roedd e’n / Roedd hi’n: it was Bydd e’n / Bydd hi’n: it will be Negative adjectives achos ei fod yn… because it’s … ofnadwy awful dwp stupid wastraff amser a waste of time annifyr unpleasant annodd difficult blagus annoying ddiflas boring annifyr irritating wan weak salw ugly wael rubbish arisel ridiculous ddi-bwynt pointless gawslyd cheesy Time reference phrases Past: Ddoe - yesterday Y penwythnos diwetha - last weekend Yr wythnos diwetha – last week Present: Heddiw – today Fel arfer – usually Ar Ddydd Llun – On a Monday Future: Yfory – tomorrow Y penwythnos nesaf – next weekend Yr wythnos nesaf – next week

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