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BBC Microbit.

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Presentation on theme: "BBC Microbit."— Presentation transcript:

1 BBC Microbit

2 Objective of the lesson
Use Block Editor to make Fading Heart All of you will: Create a Heart that fades up Most of you will: Change the speed of the fade Some of you will: Display a message once the Heart has reached maximum brightness

3 Fading Heart 2 This heart will fade on very gradually We will create a variable. A variable will change. This will be our brightness Create a variable, set item Change the Item, which is the name of the variable, to be Brightness Set this to equal 0 Add a forever loop. Set the brightness to equal the variable brightness. At the moment this is 0 so you will see no heart

4 We will add a short pause
Then increase the brightness slightly This loops and the brightness increases slightly each time

5 Challenge 1. Experiment with the ‘pause’ and the ‘change brightness’ to change the fade effect 2. Replace forever with a ‘while do’ loop to check that Brightness is < 255. If it is, then the image fades up 3. Once Brightness has reached 255 make it show string “Love”

6 Answers

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