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802.11i MIB variable name fixes

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1 802.11i MIB variable name fixes
July 2003 802.11i MIB variable name fixes Tim Moore Microsoft Tim Moore, Microsoft

2 July 2003 Some name typos 5.9.5, dot11RSNPMKLifetime  to dot11RSNAPMKLifetime   , , , dot11RSNEnabled  to dot11RSNAEnabled   dot11RSNNumberofReplayCounters to dot11RSNANumberofReplayCounters Tim Moore, Microsoft

3 July 2003 Motion Motion to instruct editor to change dot11RSNPMKLifetime  to dot11RSNAPMKLifetime in clause and ; to change dot11RSNEnabled  to dot11RSNAEnabled in clause , , and ; to change dot11RSNNumberofReplayCounters to dot11RSNANumberofReplayCounters in clause Tim Moore, Microsoft

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