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What Factors Contributed to the War of 1812?

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Presentation on theme: "What Factors Contributed to the War of 1812?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Factors Contributed to the War of 1812?

2 Where and Why? The War of 1812 was fought primarily around the Great Lakes Most of the reasons that US President Madison declared war involved the British Navy Also included issues of trade, conflict with First Nations and land, and expansionism

3 A Sailor's Life is Not for Me
For most sailors of the Royal British Navy Pay was poor, food was disgusting, dangerous working conditions, harsh discipline There were never enough volunteers, so men were often impressed into service There were many deserters as a result Merchant ships paid sailors 4x what the navy did

4 British Navy Oversteps its Authority
The United States had many merchant ships that many sailors preferred to work on a strong chance that British deserters were on them The Royal Navy upset President Madison by stopping American ships and seizing members of the crew whether they were deserters or not

5 Policing the Sea In 1807, Britain issued Orders in Council that banned direct trade with Napoleon’s Europe and authorized the Royal Navy to seize all ships that attempt to defy the blockade US was not at war and did not want to be told who it can trade with Over 900 US ships with cargo seized by the British


7 Manifest Destiny Americans believed that the US was destined to expand westward across North America to eventually control the entire continent The US expanded territory in 1803 when Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to President Thomas Jefferson

8 Expansionism=Always Wanting More
Now the problem was the desire to expand into lands where First Nations were already living Land around the Great Lakes and Ohio River Valley was desirable yet occupied First Nations in the North West feared expansion ,as it would hurt the trade relations for food, clothing, guns, ammunition

9 Tecumseh: Fighting American Expansion
A Shawnee Chief who led a resistance against American expansionism He believed in a future country in which all First Nations people could live in harmony, untroubled by European problems Believed that firm action by a confederacy of First Nations was the only way to stop aggressive American expansion

10 Fearing American Expansion
Not only did American expansionism threaten the colonies of Upper and Lower Canada, it also threatened Rupert’s Land and the freedom that British fur traders enjoyed

11 Guilty by Association Americans were discovering that First Nation warriors were using rifles and ammunition that came from Britain These discoveries convinced many Americans that the British were behind the First Nations resistance

12 War Hawks Advocated for war with Britain and the need for expansion
Supported President Madison They felt Britain was damaging the American economy and encouraging First Nations to attack Americans

13 Pushed to the Edge The governor of Indiana Territory, William Henry Harrison, wanted expansion, but First Nations leaders like Tecumseh were restricting it by refusing to sell land to the US government Nov Harrison attacked the village of Tippecanoe while Tecumseh was away trying to get support for his confederacy This violent and unprovoked attack convinced Tecumseh that the only way to stop American aggression was to ally with the British

14 It’s On!!!!! On June American President Madison declared war on Britain and all of its colonies

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