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The Two Types of Revelation

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Presentation on theme: "The Two Types of Revelation"— Presentation transcript:

1 How could this spider’s web be seen as an example of General Revelation?

2 The Two Types of Revelation
General Revelation Can be perceived by everyone Happens indirectly Usually through awe and wonder of the natural world, people begin to understand truths about Allah Special Revelation Individualistic or Group experience Through dreams, visions or prophecies In Islam, the Angel Jibril is the channel through which Allah communicates with the Prophets (pbut)

3 Quiz Give an example of Special Revelation?
All prophets are both human and God like in nature. True or False What does ‘The Seal of The Prophets’ mean? Which Angel channelled the Qur’an to Muhammad (PBUH) Who was the first person Muhammad (PBUH) told about his revelation? What does Qur’an mean? What is the most important teaching contained in the Qur’an? How is Allah revealed to Muslims through prayer? What is Haqiqa? (related to Sufism) Why do Sufis immerse themselves in prayer and worship?

4 Read through your hand outs
Read through your hand outs. Highlight the text and make notes on the important features and those that you are unsure of. Once complete we will discuss the reading and ask questions about it

5 Surah 17 – Al-Isra (The Night Journey)
What is the most important teaching in Al-Isra? – make notes in the back of your book

6 Give two reasons the Five Daily Prayers are important?

7 The Prophets of the Abrahamic Faiths

8 Past Paper Work Read through the 2015 Philosophy and Ethics Paper
Discuss the questions as a group. Which are difficult, which are easier. Why? What gaps do you have in your knowledge to prevent you answering these fully? Or do you feel confident about it? Read the 12 mark question. Plan a response as a group, in bullet points

9 Using two different colour pens answer the question paper.
Use one pen for your answer written without your file and book. Once you complete a question, look through your hand outs etc and try to add to it and improve it, in the other colour pen. ‘‘For D questions I like to do 3 PEE chains, make your point, e.g. Men and women are equal but have different roles, then give evidence e.g. catholic churches don't allow women priest or a bible quote, 'women should remain silent in the churches' then explain it! For E questions is still use the PEE chain structure and only write 3-4 PEE chains plus conclusion/personal opinion but make sure you talk about the significance of the issue (why it's important/an issue) and make it into a debate/argument e.g. some Muslims believe.... next PEE chain - however, other Muslims not argue… Hope this helps, it worked for me (full marks in philosophy and ethics 1!)’’

10 Write down five questions you would ask Lesley Hazleton about her work?

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