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40 days… Fasting… Reflection… Lent Prayer… Devotion… Sacrifice…

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Presentation on theme: "40 days… Fasting… Reflection… Lent Prayer… Devotion… Sacrifice…"— Presentation transcript:

1 40 days… Fasting… Reflection… Lent Prayer… Devotion… Sacrifice…

2 Lent is… …a season in the Church’s year.

3 Lent is… …a time for looking at the depth of one’s own sin, and turn away from them.

4 Lent is… …a time for learning what it means to follow Christ with one’s life, and to listen to the Spirit.

5 Lent is… …a time for actually going about changing one’s ways to be more like Christ.

6 Lent is… …a time for self-discovery of the parts of ourselves we don’t want to discover, through prayer, fasting and actively choosing what is right over what is wrong.

7 …begins with Ash Wednesday.
Lent… …begins with Ash Wednesday.

8 “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return…”
Ecclesiastes 3:20

9 The ParableOf The Sower


11 But the sower went on sowing…


13 But the sower went on sowing…


15 But the sower went on sowing…


17 He tended each one in its season And according to its need
So that each in its own right time Produced an abundant crop.

18 And the Sower goes on sowing…

19 God as the Sower… Holy Spirit is the seed… Our souls are the soil…

20 Truth and good deeds are the seed…
We are the Sowers… Truth and good deeds are the seed… The soil is all around us…


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