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Step 1Step 2 Step 3 Done! Click on any of the 4 boxes to proceed! Chart Selection Do any of these words represent your intention? Step 1: Exit.

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Presentation on theme: "Step 1Step 2 Step 3 Done! Click on any of the 4 boxes to proceed! Chart Selection Do any of these words represent your intention? Step 1: Exit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step 1Step 2 Step 3 Done! Click on any of the 4 boxes to proceed! Chart Selection Do any of these words represent your intention? Step 1: Exit

2 Step 2Step 1 Step 3 Done! You are trying to show a Comparison What is the nature of your data? Step 2: Time Based / Historical Inter Segment Back Exit

3 Step 2Step 1 Step 3 Done! You are trying to show a Relationship What is the nature of your data? Step 2: Time Based / Historical Inter Segment Back Exit

4 Step 2Step 1 Step 3 Done! You are trying to show a Composition What is the nature of your data? Step 2: Time Based / Historical Inter Segment Back Exit

5 Step 2Step 1 Step 3 Done! You are trying to show a Distribution What is the nature of your data? Step 2: Time Based / Historical Inter Segment Back Exit

6 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Done! A Time Based Comparison What many data points do you have? Step 3: 1, 2, or Few Many Back Exit

7 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Done! An Inter Segment Comparison What many data points do you have? Step 3: 1, 2, or Few Many Back Exit

8 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Done! A Time Based Composition What many data points do you have? Step 3: 1, 2, or Few Many Back Exit

9 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Done! An Inter Segment Composition What many data points do you have? Step 3: 1, 2, or Few Many Back Exit

10 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Done! A Time Based Relationship What many data points do you have? Step 3: 1, 2, or Few Many Back Exit

11 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Done! An Inter Segment Relationship What many data points do you have? Step 3: 1, 2, or Few Many Back Exit

12 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Done! A Time Based Distribution What many data points do you have? Step 3: 1, 2, or Few Many Back Exit

13 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Done! An Inter Segment Distribution What many data points do you have? Step 3: 1, 2, or Few Many Back Exit

14 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Comparison / Time Based / Few Back Exit Have you considered: Column Graph Area Graph

15 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Comparison / Time Based / Many Back Exit Have you considered: Line Graph Column Graph Area Graph

16 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Comparison / Inter Segment / Few Back Exit Have you considered: Bar Graph Column Graph Harvey Balls Funnel Chart

17 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Comparison / Inter Segment / Many Back Exit Have you considered: Column Graph Bar Graph Harvey Balls Funnel Chart

18 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Composition / Time Based / Few Back Exit Have you considered: Stacked column Chart and stacked area chart

19 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Composition / Time Based / Many Back Exit Have you considered: Bubble Chart

20 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Composition / Inter Segment / Few Back Exit Have you considered: Pie Chart Waterfall Graph

21 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Composition / Inter Segment / Many Back Exit Have you considered: Pie Chart

22 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Relationship / Time Based / Few Back Exit Have you considered: Bubble Chart

23 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Relationship / Time Based / Many Back Exit Have you considered: Bubble ChartScatter Plot

24 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Relationship / Inter Segment / Few Back Exit Have you considered: Bubble Chart

25 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Relationship / Inter Segment / Many Back Exit Have you considered: Bubble ChartScatter Plot

26 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Distribution / Time Based / Few Back Exit Have you considered: Column Histogram, line Histogram

27 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Distribution / Time Based / Many Back Exit Have you considered: Scatter Chart or Column Histogram

28 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Distribution / Inter Segment / Few Back Exit Have you considered: Column Histogram, line Histogram

29 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Distribution / Inter Segment / Many Back Exit Have you considered: Scatter Chart or Column Histogram

30 Step 2 Step 3 Done! Step 1 Exit

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