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SEND Conference The Year of SEND.

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Presentation on theme: "SEND Conference The Year of SEND."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEND Conference The Year of SEND

Everyone’s Welcome

3 Welcome Clare Kershaw – Director, Education
On your table we are asking you to comment on the SEND Benchmarking Data and ideas for the SEND Strapline

4 Councillor Ray Gooding
Cabinet Member for Education

5 Improving access and inclusion in the early years
Chris Perkins, Manager, Specialist Teaching and Preschool Service Improving access and inclusion in the early years Implementation of the SEND reforms in the early years in Essex – an overview

6 A positive approach in Essex to overcoming barriers to better progress for preschool children with SEND

7 Early years SEN and disability … in Essex

8 Early years SEN and disability … in Essex

9 Early years SEN and disability … in Essex

10 Early years SEN and disability … in Essex
Good … but good enough?





15 Thanks for listening

16 Break Refreshments and pastries

17 The Ladder of Participation
Where are we now? Where do we want to be? What are the challenges?

18 Co-production in SEND “At a strategic level, partners must engage children and young people with SEN and disabilities and children’s parents in commissioning decisions, to give useful insights into how to improve services and outcomes. Local authorities, CCGs and NHS England must develop effective ways of harnessing the views of their local communities so that commissioning decisions on services for those with SEN and disabilities are shaped by users’ experiences, ambitions and expectations. To do this, local authorities and CCGs should engage with local Healthwatch organisations, patient representative groups, Parent Carer Forums, groups representing young people with SEN and disabilities and other local voluntary organisations and community groups.” (CoP 3.18)

19 Essex definition of Co-production
A way of working, whereby everybody works together on an equal basis to come to a decision or design a service. It is built on the principle that those who use or benefit from a service are best placed to help design it.

20 Essex principles of co-production
Leadership - everybody in the education, health and care system has to commit to working together and co-production has to become the established way services are developed and reviewed. Involvement and Open Consultation - clear and open communication based on confidence and mutual respect. Everyone must have the chance to contribute equally and there must be no pre-set solutions to the issues under consideration. A focus on outcomes - the aim of the work will focus on the best possible outcomes for children and young people in line with the requirements in the legislation. Co-Design and Co-Review - parents, commissioners and services should be working together on designing services and reviewing how well these are meeting need. Families Have More Choice and Control - decisions should be based on enhancing the choice and control that families can have over their own lives.

21 Challenges The large population and geographical span of Essex with a significant number of schools and services spread across a wide area; The complexity of working across a number of commissioning boundaries with different agencies and 5 CCG’s; The complexity of having a number of commissioning arrangements that cross county boundaries; The diversity of different areas in Essex with significantly varying needs; The uneven distribution of some key services around SEN; Many different but unconnected local consultative forums and ways of working

22 Opportunities Existing investment by Essex in developing the Local Offer and parental engagement across a number of groups and through Parent Carer Forum; The wide number of local parent carer groups within Essex and levels of activity and engagement of many of those groups; A number of local consultation forums and initiatives which already exist locally; That Essex has devolved significant commissioning and service organisation to quadrant level so there is a local structure which could be utilised for great local involvement; The newly established Multi Schools Council which will provide an opportunity to capture pupil voice; A commitment at strategic and management level across Essex to enhance co-production.

23 Group activity How are the Essex principles of co-production being applied in: School Led SEND (Ruth Sturdy); SEND provision and meeting needs (Ralph Holloway); Preparing for adulthood (Anita Kemp); Joint Commissioning (Christina Pace). Work in four groups with the facilitators for half an hour and then feedback on progress, next steps and challenges/opportunities. Please do not stay in groups with your immediate colleagues: we want a mix of LA/health, parents and schools in each group.

24 Report and recommendations
Russel Breyer, Director, Local Delivery (Children and Families) A 0-25 CYPWD service Report and recommendations

25 010 Great Expectations (TPO).pdf
010 Great Expectations (TPO).pdf

26 Summary and What’s Next?
Clare Kershaw – Director, Education

What I am!

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