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Ma-601 Mach 153B John Branlund.

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Presentation on theme: "Ma-601 Mach 153B John Branlund."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ma-601 Mach 153B John Branlund

2 Learning Objectives: Learn local subroutine planning, format, and code.

3 Blueprint: Ignore rounded part corners as there is no callout or special instructions. Make holes ¼” diameter.

4 Patterns: Identify the pattern on the blueprint.

5 Index: Pick the indexing feature of the pattern.

6 Write Frame: Write the framing portion of your g-code program.
I used the ‘Frame Maker ’ that’s in WebCT.

7 Subroutine: Write your subroutine after the M30 but before the end of the program (a %).

8 Add drill & Calls: Add a drill to your main program.
Position to ‘Index ’ and then ‘Call ’ the subroutine.

9 Conclusions: This is a good way to machine similar features or patterns.

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