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Tips and processes for Social Work. Scholarships are announced by the Graduate Coordinator in conjunction with coordinators in the Divisions.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips and processes for Social Work. Scholarships are announced by the Graduate Coordinator in conjunction with coordinators in the Divisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips and processes for Social Work

2 Scholarships are announced by the Graduate Coordinator in conjunction with coordinators in the Divisions

3 U of C website to navigate awards: lic/publichome.aspx lic/publichome.aspx The website includes names of awards, deadline date, amount of award, the number of awards available in a specific category, field of study, and eligibility

4 Awards range from $600 to $15,000 Once you go to the webpage, select a particular award and view award details Pay particular attention to the terms of reference for each award

5 Ruth Hilland Graduate Scholarship in Social Work Amount of scholarship: $600 One award available Application date: Dec 15 Who: Social Work Terms of Reference: Open to students entering or enrolled in the MSW program, Clinical Practice specialization, in the Faculty of Social Work. Preference is given to applicants with an interest in the study of spirituality as it relates to clinical practice.

6 Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships Who: Masters and Doctoral Amount: up to $10,800 for Masters and Doctoral level - up to $15,000 Number of awards: Depends on available funds Students should consult with their graduate program office for deadline information Field of Study: Unrestricted Terms of Reference: Open to qualified graduate students who are or will be, at the time of tenure, registered in a full-time Master's or doctoral program in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Candidates must be either Canadian citizens or permanent residents and a resident of Alberta at the time of taking up the award. Students whose awards begin in May are expected to carry out a full-time research program during the summer months. This award cannot be held in addition to funding from a major award.

7 Chickwagon! Graduate Scholarship in Social Work Amount of Award: $1,000 Number of Awards: One December 15 Terms of Reference: Open to students enrolled full- time in the Masters degree program in the Faculty of Social Work. Candidates must submit a one page statement describing their commitment to, and interest in, the study of domestic violence.

8 Look into these awards when you first enter the program Carefully read the terms of reference for each award Find out which awards require a letter of support from faculty Allow sufficient amount of time for faculty to write the letter of support

9 Gear your application towards the Terms of Reference for each award Each award requires a statement (usually one page) from the student Avoid generic statements intended to cover all the awards if you are applying for more than one

10 Statements should include the following: How you qualify for a specific award. For example if you intend to work with abused women, talk about your practicum, your work experience, your focus in your studies What have been your accomplishments in the field What you intend to do with the award – typically awards are intended to help students with their educational studies and how a particular award will further your education

11 Plan ahead and determine what scholarships are available to you ahead of time If you need a letter of support from faculty, approach that faculty member and give them as much information as possible so they can support your application E.g.: CV, your statement/application

12 Remember to put any Scholarship that you have been awarded on your CV. GOOD LUCK!

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