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All Summer in a Day Vocabulary.

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1 All Summer in a Day Vocabulary

2 Slackening Easing, becoming less active
Example: After the slackening of the wind, I was finally able to enjoy being outside.

3 Vital Extremely important or necessary
Example: The books were vital to his studies in school.

4 Tumultuous Noisily or violently
The returning astronauts were given a tumultuous welcome. The room filled with tumultuous applause.

5 Resilient Springing back into shape; able to recover from difficulty
The local economy is remarkably resilient.

6 Surged Moved with a violent or swelling motion.
We all surged toward the door. She surged past the other runners. Thoughts of what could happen were surging through his mind.

7 Apparatus An appliance or device used for a particular purpose.
She fell off a gymnastics apparatus and broke her leg. The hospital's operating rooms have the very latest medical apparatus.

8 Solemn Formal, dignified, serious or sad.
He spoke in a solemn and thoughtful manner. He wore a very solemn expression on his face. He recited the poem in a solemn voice.

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