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Normalcy and the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard

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Presentation on theme: "Normalcy and the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard"— Presentation transcript:

1 Normalcy and the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard

2 Name Licensing agency One activity What you learned

3 What have you heard about the new normalcy legislation and the reasonable and prudent parent standard?

4 Importance of Normalcy
Definitions Importance of Normalcy Normalcy in Ohio Implementation Applying the Standard Transfer of Learning

5 You will be able to: Explain normalcy and the RPPS
Explain the importance of normalcy to development Describe your role and the role of the agency Identify factors to be considered

6 The Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (2014)

7 What is Normalcy?

8 The Reasonable And Prudent Parent Standard

9 Have we over-emphasized the safety of children and
de-emphasized the importance of their well-being? Have we over-emphasized the safety of children and de-emphasized the importance of their well-being?

10 The Importance of Normalcy

11 Life Skills Development

12 Supported by Brain Research

13 Develop Social Capital

14 Overcome Trauma

15 "My youth has reduced her inclination to run away.“
"My child feels like a part of a family and not a system." "It helps the children have a sense of belonging and not feel excluded." "Less anxiety and stress about placement. Better attitude overall about having to be in care." "They don't feel so singled out or different." "...reduction of anger issues." Source: Florida Guardian ad Litem Program. (2014). A Voice Heard – Let Kids be Kids.

16 Why Ohio needs a normalcy law

17 Wish list Opportunities to budget Transportation to activities
Help with employment Opportunities to negotiate for privileges Choices in use of time Quick signing of permission slips

18 Current Practice… Sleepover at friend’s Pictures in publications
Temp driver’s permit Haircut without permission Driver’s license Ride with friends

19 Sleepover without fingerprinting
Allowed by State Allowed by Most Counties Sleepover without fingerprinting Unsupervised activities Activity without securing birthparent permission

20 Know state & agency policies

21 2151.315 Participation in age-appropriate activities
State law Participation in age-appropriate activities Qualified immunity

22 Three Exclusions: Imposed by ORC Outside scope of power
Malicious, bad faith, wanton, reckless

23 When and why might a caregiver allow a child to participate in an activity that was against his or her better judgement?

24 Well- being Risk of harm

25 Agency Implementation
Training Teamwork Policies Due diligence

26 Your Role Seek out and attend training Communicate with the agency
Provide a nurturing environment Hone assessment skills

27 Six Factors to Consider
Developmental level Potential risk factors Best interest Growth Family-like experience Behavioral history Other factors

28 You can: Explain normalcy and the RPPS
Explain the importance of normalcy to development Describe your role and the role of the agency Identify factors to be considered

29 Write down your “take-aways”

30 Thank you! Normalcy Guide Caregiver’s Corner

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