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Speak by laurie halse anderson Vocabulary List #1

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1 Speak by laurie halse anderson Vocabulary List #1

2 Indoctrination Noun Teaching someone to accept an idea or principle without criticism. “I don’t have the time to answer. The lights dim and the indoctrination begins” (5).

3 Inconspicuous Adjective Not noticeable; invisible.
“It gives me time to scan the cafeteria for a friendly face or an inconspicuous corner” (7). Video Clip: “A Bug’s Life” -

4 Demerit Noun A mark against someone for misconduct
“My first class is biology. I can’t find it and get my first demerit” (9).

5 Sanctuary Noun A sacred place offering refuge or safety.
“Sanctuary. Art follows lunch, like dream follows nightmare” (9). Video Clip: “Hunchback of Notre Dame” - (2:19)

6 Errant Adjective Straying from the right course.
“Principal Principal spots another errant student in the hall” (17). Video Clip: “10th Kingdom” - (5:41:30)

7 Wan Adjective Dark; gloomy; pale in color; sickly; unhappy
“She’s smudging mascara under her eyes to look exhausted and wan” (20).

8 Pseudo Adjective Pretend; fake; false.
“Just a pseudo-friend, disposable friend. Friend as accessory” (22). Video Clip: “Serendipity” -

9 Burrow Noun A hole or hideout animals use to take shelter; a hideout.
Burrow (chapter title) - when she discovers her abandoned closest (24).

10 Inciting Verb To stir, encourage, or egg on.
“And they cheer on our boys, inciting them to violence and, we hope, victory” (30). Video Clip: “Shrek” -

11 Floundering Verb To act clumsily or in confusion
“We are all floundering” (31).

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