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Formal Disclosures Giovanni Kuckartz Pergher

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Presentation on theme: "Formal Disclosures Giovanni Kuckartz Pergher"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formal Disclosures Giovanni Kuckartz Pergher
I have not received and will not receive any direct financial support related to this presentation or the work presented in this presentation. The content of this presentation will be published as a book chapter (no earnings related) My sources of income that can be affected by this presentation: Private Practice Membership website Online courses

2 You should look for another professional!
Doesn't your therapist feel like a fraud? You should look for another professional! A Giovanni K. Pergher

3 Non-Requested Disclosures
Not scientifically informed Biased by the author’s history About the presentation Not used to speak in English Usually presents intense autonomic arousal, often associated with motor tics About the presenter Biased by the author’s history (more than average) Not used to speak in English (not an excuse, but a request for feedback) Usually presents intense autonomic arousal, often associated with motor tics (no worries unless total colapse – ensurance in my wallet

4 A good therapist (#1/2)

5 A good therapist (#2/2)

6 Open mind “side effects”
The beginning of the story 1998

7 Psychology 101

8 Psychology 202 Cognitivism Behaviorism


10 Brazilian Society of Cognitive Therapies
Member of the just elected SBTC Board of Directors ( ) 2005 Have no idea (context matters, right?)

11 National Conference on CT (2013)
The 3 generations / waves of CBT:

12 SUMMARY (#1/2) What happens when you open your mind: 1. Awareness of present limitations and the existence of alternative perspectives 2. Not enough knowledge about new perspectives 3. Enough knowledge about new perspectives 4. Openness to ask yourself: “What I’m doing"? Greater awareness of limitations (therapy and therapist) Not enough knowledge about "new" perspectives (to fully embrace a new perspective) Enough knowledge about "new" perspectives (to realize interesting things to incorporate in your practice) Openness to ask yourself: "What a hell I'm doing"!? 

13 SUMMARY (#1/2) What happens when you open your mind: 1. Awareness of present limitations and the existence of alternative perspectives 2. Not enough knowledge about new perspectives 3. Enough knowledge about new perspectives 4. Openness to ask yourself: “What I’m doing"? Greater awareness of limitations (therapy and therapist) Not enough knowledge about "new" perspectives (to fully embrace a new perspective) Enough knowledge about "new" perspectives (to realize interesting things to incorporate in your practice) Openness to ask yourself: "What a hell I'm doing"!? 

14 The fee to feed compassion
2014 (April) PAIN

15 Pain in context 2014 (February)

16 When “enough is enough” Integrating CBT and ACT: New online course
2014 (January)

17 2 Pain 2015 (January) That time cannot erase” There's just too much
“These wounds won't seem to heal This pain is just too real There's just too much That time cannot erase” Pain Squared

18 Another and deeper pain
I am responsible (response-able) I was responsible (had my share) My share: avoidance

19 Do I really know how painful pain is?
SUMMARY (#2/2) The bedrock for deep compassion Do I really know how painful pain is?

20 Pain: an opportunity to heal...

21 ... AND to be a fraud Pain: an opportunity to heal...
Running from pain at Meliá Sevilla (June 22, :30 am) Pain: an opportunity to heal...

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