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Status of the CLIC Injector studies

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1 Status of the CLIC Injector studies
CLIC beam physics meeting Status of the CLIC Injector studies Positron chain optimization, Cafer Bayar’s work Cost reduction for 380 GeV stage Drive beam electron source news LCWS 2017, Strasbourg, France, Steffen Doebert, CERN, BE-RF Cafer Bayar 19 November 2014

2 The CLIC Injector Complex
CLIC beam physics meeting The CLIC Injector Complex We have designed and optimised the beam transport and acceleration from the target to the pre-damping ring. The goal of the study is to maximize the positron yield accepted by the pre-damping ring. C. Bayar Cafer Bayar 19 November 2014

3 Previous studies: The Pre-Injector Linac
CLIC beam physics meeting Previous studies: The Pre-Injector Linac The total yield: e+/e e+/e e+/e e+/e- (effective) e+ Target AMD Solenoid TW Structures The effective yield : (-20,20) degrees in phase and (150,250) MeV in energy Total yield: 0.93 e+/e- Effective yield: 0.48 e+/e- Total yield: 0.89 e+/e- Effective yield: 0.50 e+/e- Parameters of the accelerating structures in the Pre-Injector linac Acceleration Deceleration Parameters Unit Value Cell length cm 5 Frequency GHz 2 Phase advance per cell π 2/3 Average axial electric field MV/m 15 C. Bayar Cafer Bayar 19 November 2014

4 CLIC beam physics meeting
PREVIOUS STUDIES: OPTIMIZATION IN THE PRE-INJECTOR LINAC The decelerating mode creates a second peak in the phase spectrum. For the optimization, a phase of 40 degrees after maximum deceleration is optimum. Optimized Decelerating mode Accelerating mode Decelerating mode C. Bayar Cafer Bayar 19 November 2014

5 CLIC beam physics meeting
PREVIOUS RESULTS: PRE-INECTOR LINAC The effective yield : (-20,20) degrees in phase and (150,250) MeV in energy The optimised decelerating mode result in almost a factor two higher yield compared to the accelerating mode which has a yield of 0.5 e+/e. C. Bayar Cafer Bayar 19 November 2014

6 Previous studies: Injector Linac
CLIC beam physics meeting Previous studies: Injector Linac CDR Positron yield, 𝑒 + / 𝑒 − , is increased by a factor of 2.5. Energy acceptance → 1%: → yield: 𝑒 + / 𝑒 − All positrons are within 1% acceptance window of the pre-damping ring. C. Bayar Cafer Bayar 19 November 2014

7 OLD positron source in CDR
CLIC beam physics meeting OLD positron source in CDR We have removed parallel stations and bunch compressor due to the optimization of the pre-injector linac C. Bayar Cafer Bayar 19 November 2014

8 CLIC beam physics meeting
Preliminary new Pre-Injector Linac results at 5 GEV OPTION CLIC beam physics meeting 5 GeV option (previous) 5 GeV option (new) The effective yield : (-20,20) degrees in phase and (150,250) MeV in energy Energy (GeV) Target exit (e+/e-) AMD exit Total yield (e+/e-) Effective yield (e+/e-) 5 (new) 7.14 3.06 1.36 1.21 5 (previous) 8.00 2.80 1.09 0.98 5 (CDR) 2.10 0.95 0.38 *Positrons at the target exit are generated for 3 GeV and 5 GeV options by Yanliang Han C. Bayar Cafer Bayar 19 November 2014

9 CLIC beam physics meeting
Preliminary new Pre-Injector Linac results at 3 gev OPTION 3 GeV option In 3 GeV option, the effective yield is around 0.44 e+/e-. The effective yield : (-20,20) degrees in phase and (150,250) MeV in energy Energy (GeV) Target exit (e+/e-) AMD exit (e+/e-) Total yield (e+/e-) Effective yield (e+/e-) 3 (new) 4.18 1.38 0.50 0.44 5 (new) 7.14 3.06 1.36 1.21 5 (previous) 8.00 2.80 1.09 0.98 5 (CDR) 2.10 0.95 0.39 Work in progress ! C. Bayar Cafer Bayar 19 November 2014

10 CLIC beam physics meeting
Conclusions Positron yield at the entrance of the pre-damping ring within acceptance window: 0.97 e+/e- Positron yield at the entrance of the pre-damping ring is increased by a factor 2.5 compared to the CLIC CDR This result allows to reduce the beam current or energy of the electron driver linac. It provides significant cost savings for electron driver linac, need to cost the different options A single target station can be used for the first stage of CLIC at 380 GeV C. Bayar, A. K. Ciftci, S. Doebert and A. Latina, “Design and Optimisation of the Positron Production Chain for CLIC from target to the Damping Ring”, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A. Reference: NIMA 59959, 7 July 2017. DOI: C. Bayar Cafer Bayar 19 November 2014

11 Cost evaluation update Main assumptions
New Parameters: E= 380 GeV, N= (at IP?), Nb= 352 PDR for electrons not needed Use 2 GHz bunch spacing through out the complex, shorter rf pulses in linac’s and no need for delay loop No lower energy running. One rf pulse length and charge only Optimise timing of the beams to gain efficiency (Pulse Compressor optimisation) Consequence will be ~ 4 us offset between electrons and positrons Investigate to use booster linac as positron driver (saves positron driver) Not investigated yet Factor of 2 improvement in positron capture and transport

12 Igor’s PC study Have to be optimized for new pulse length, see following

13 Rf-module cost model Typical 2 GHz rf module including accelerators and beam line Acc 1 Acc 2 Acc 3 Acc 4 Quad BPM Mod Pulse compressor Kly 1 Kly 2 50 MW, 8 ms Power depends on pulse length needed

14 Cost per linac 500 GeV Total 716 MCHF
Energy Gain (MeV) Bunch charge (10^9) rf pulse length (ns) Power per structure (MW) Loaded gradient (MV/m) Configuration (structure/2 klystrons) No of rf modules pulse compressor gain No of structures Length (m) Energy gain per module Cost e- pre-injector 200 7.8 64 18 3 8.0 30 81 7920 e+ pre-injector 20 82 15 2 5 9.0 40 45 11663 injector linac 2660 11 50 14 1 127.0 300 42 136480 positron drive linac 5000 112 223.0 400 261240 booster linac 6140 7.3 72 16 128 2-2.3 256.0 473 48 298560 Total 716 MCHF Keep gradient constant, reconfigure structure plumbing and add klystrons Almost factor 2 more rf power Not optimized for the 500 GeV machine

15 Cost per linac 380 GeV 428 MCHF Positron capture linac 1 m structure
Energy Gain (MeV) Bunch charge (10^9) rf pulse length (ns) Power per structure (MW) Loaded gradient (MV/m) Configuration (structure/2 klystrons) No of rf modules pulse compressor gain No of structures Length (m) Energy gain per module Cost e- pre-injector 200 6 600 90 20 4 2 4.4 7 14 120 5830 e+ pre-injector 20-40 102 15 19 60 11660 injector linac 2660 2x600 83 18 3 33 2.7 99 194 81 87120 positron drive linac 5000 42 167 326 122430 booster linac 6140 5.6 75 76 228 445 200640 428 MCHF Positron capture linac 1 m structure ~ 300 klystrons

16 Cost summary Injector linac savings: 288 MCHF
314 instead of 624 klystrons  MW power savings Could consider only one positron target and pre-injector linac. Electron PDR + delay loop: ~ 150 MCHF ? Consequence: need excellent emittance from polarised electron source likely possible but would need some R&D

17 Drive beam source parameters
Baseline Beam energy 140 keV Beam current 5 to 7 A Pulse length 140 µs Emittance (RMS) < 20 mm mrad Repetition rate 50 Hz Beam power 4,9 to 6,9 kW Shot to shot charge variation 0.1 % Flat top charge variation 0.1 % after correction Studied in collaboration with CEA/CESTA

18 LEETCHI Low Energy Electrons from a Thermionic Cathode at High Intensity
HVPS Capacitor Voltage divider HV deck OTR window Dump Current transformer Gun Solenoid Implemented at CERN


20 Simulations Solenoid Current transformer Diode OTR 45 mm 412 mm 119 mm

21 Comparison between experimental results and simulations
Excellent agreement between experiment and simulations !

22 Comparison between experimental results and simulations
CST Tracking simulations Is = 5.4 A Is = 5.6 A Is = 5.8 A Spectacular agreement between experiment and simulations !

23 Picture of the cathode CPI YU156
Pierce electrodes Picture of the cathode CPI YU156 Small grid Mesh size 160 x 160 µm 20 mm Large grid Mesh size 1.5 x 3.0 mm 45-degree-angle view

24 Cathode grid effects Small grid Electron beam Cathode Anode Large grid
Equipotential lines Cathode Anode Large grid

25 Cathode grid effects 4.5 A, Is = 6.4 A 0.5 A, Is = 5.6 A
Serious emittance degradation due to the cathode grid. According to simulation this can be mitigated by changing the grid thickness and the cathode – anode distance

26 Conclusions Excellent and very successful collaboration between CEA and CERN on drive beam electron source ! Significant cost savings could be achieved for the 380 GeV machine Improvements in the positron chain studied and still ongoing Injector continue to be a low priority for CLIC studies

27 End

28 Cathode and connector

29 Injector timing Injector linac e+ e- 1100 ns (CDR)  4000 ns e- e+ e-
Booster linac Positron production pulse 3300 ns 1100 ns ?

30 2 GHz accelerating structure
Parameter Value Frequency 1998 MHz Structure length (30 cells) 1.5 m Shunt impedance 54.3 – 43.3 MW/m Average group velocity c Filling time 389 ns Average aperture a 17 mm Taper amax – amin 20 – 14 mm Cell size b mm Group velocity vg/c 2.54 – 0.7 % Cell Length and iris thickness 50 mm, 8 mm 2p/ 3 traveling wave, should be damped eventually


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