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English Language Development

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1 English Language Development

2 August 18 Target: I can identify every day language in English.
I can apply every day language and content language in writing. Vocabulary: Name - Miss or Ms. -school First name -Mrs. or Ms. -address Last name -student -street Mr. -teacher -zipcode

3 Bell Ringer 1. The first name of Ana Sanchez is Ana Sanchez
The last name of Juan Gomez is Juan Gomez

4 Comprehension and Vocabulary
Answer the questions 3-10 Let’s go over it together, and you can self check your answers.

5 Early America Read the text and we will write down words we do not understand in our notebook. Write down things you already know about early America. What do you want to know about early America?

6 Videos

7 In groups Share one thing you learned about early America, or share something that nobody said already.

8 Exit Slip Describe what life was like for people in early America in 3 sentences. Use every day language and content language.

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