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1 Welcome to

2 The subject you are attending is:
PLUMBING AND GASFITTING GAS STANDARDS (Gasfitting and consumer gas installations) REGULATIONS 1999 CH4 C3H8

3 Introduction to GSR Aims of the course
To make you aware of legal requirements within the gas industry To enable you to work on gas under supervision with an understanding of the gas requirements To help prepare you for your assessment To help you gain your restricted licence

4 Introduction to GSR Outcomes of the course
Show a knowledge of legal requirements within the gas industry Show an understanding of the Gas Standards Regulations 1999 Complete your assessment Gain all the evidence to apply for your restricted licence

5 Overview of legal requirements.
Introduction to GSR Overview of legal requirements. Gas has such a high potential risk associated with its distribution and use that governments regulate to control the standard of the product and to ensure the safe application of gas. There are minimum standards of safe work practices, safe installation and maintenance methods, that components and appliances and energy installations and suppliers meet for satisfactory safety and technical outcomes for the community.

6 Introduction to GSR Statistics

7 Introduction to GSR Statistics

8 Introduction to GSR CONTENTS Control of gas fitting
Definitions Terms and Classes of Work Responsibilities Appliance Requirements Administrative Arrangements Supervising Gas Fitters

9 Introduction to GSR Assessment consists of:
1 open book paper split into 3 sections Section 1 is written assessment you require 100% to pass Section 2 is multiple choice you require 80% to pass Section 3 is written assessment 80% to pass 2 Attempts to achieve or full re-sit Must be successfully completed to gain a restricted permit And is a pre-requisite for further gas courses

10 Introduction to GSR Control of all gasfitting in Western Australia is by Energy Safety WA.  The main bodies associated with gasfitting are: - The Australian Gas Association (AGA) - The Australian Standards Association (AS) - The Australian Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association (ALPGA)

11 Introduction to GSR We will look at the GSR 1999 this is only applicable to WA and is enforced by the director (Energy Safety WA) It derives from the GAS ACT 1972 They also refer to the Australian Standards 5601 this code is applicable to the whole of Australia. Other codes applicable are: AS3814 AS/NZS1425 AS 1596

12 Introduction to GSR The GSR is split into several Parts and Schedules the schedules also have Divisions. Part 1 will be looked in detail first:

13 GSR 1999 Part 1 Regulation 3 Definitions or Interpretation
Examples are: Master Meter Means a meter used to measure the amount of gas supplied to the point at which delivery is made to the consumer.

14 GSR 1999 Part 1 Regulation 4 GAS FITTING
Look at page 5 What do you think is classed as gas fitting Regulation 5 Things of the nature of GAS FITTING Look at page 6 Again what do you think

15 GSR 1999 Part 2 Part 2 deals with the administration side of
things like Regulation 7 which states the register for gas fitters must contain their name, address, id number, the certificate of competency and the permit/authorisation in addition the date the certificate/permit/authorisation was issued and if applicable the expiry date.

16 GSR 1999 Part 2 Regulation 8 states that the director must be informed in writing within 14 DAYS of a change of address. Regulation 9, in summary it entitles the director to delegate his power to deal with matters arising within the gas industry. have a read

17 GSR 1999 Part 3 This part main focus is on Permits and authorisations
Regulation 11 States that anyone wishing to do gas fitting must send an application to the director Regulation 12 States that the director may issue a permit/authorisation providing certain requirements are met see reg 12

18 Classes of Gasfitting Regulation 13 states all permits and authorisations will be graded see Schedule 5 Schedule page 38 Class G All Gasfitting work except Gasfitting work classed as Class I, E, or P Class I Gasfitting work – On a consumer’s gas installation associated with a type B appliance or On piping that has an operating pressure of more than 200 kPa, not being gasfitting work referred to in paragraph (a) or classified as class E or P Class E Gas fitting work associated with a mobile engine. Class P Gasfitting work on a gas installation associated with the storage and dispensing of gas for the refuelling of a motor vehicle as defined in section 5 of the road traffic act 1974

19 Types of APPLIANCES Type A – Refer to table on page 30 Schedule 5 now Regulation 42B

20 Types of APPLIANCES Type B appliances
Anything above 10mj/hr and not listed in the table Anything outside the scope of the table Anything that does not have an approval badge Please be AWARE if anyone works on these type of appliances they must have AUTHORISATION

21 GSR 1999 Part 3 Regulation 15 and 16 Give the understanding of a permit and authorisation, read and discuss

22 GSR 1999 Part 4 Part 4 deals with Performance of a gas fitter.
Regulation 18 which states the gas fitter must do work in a safe manner. It must comply with regulation 32, be safe and done to a trade finish No gas fitter will make an assessment about the design or the efficacy of an appliance

23 GSR 1999 Part 4 Regulation 19 Obligations of a supervising gas fitter
The supervised gas fitter complies with the regulations and all work is within the supervisors scope of authorisation. Regulation 20 has a lot of general requirements and key areas to be talked about Regulation 21 states all appliances must be commissioned for safe and correct operation, demonstrate safe use to the customer and leave instructions with the customer. Regulation 22 deals with type B appliances have a look through briefly

24 GSR 1999 Part 4 Regulation 23 talks about servicing the key areas are : The service must be recorded it must be on a permanent label and displayed on the installation. The information must include the date and the id number of the gas fitter. Regulation 26 Is a requirement for the gas test, a gas fitter must ensure that before it is commissioned it is gas tight and purged of air. Regulation 27 has been repealed and is now request for gas.

25 GSR 1999 Part 4 Regulation 28 A gas engineer who does any work except servicing and any rectification work after been issued a notice of defects must: Attach a badge or label, give a notice of completion within 48 hrs to the supplier and the customer. See the regulation for more detail. Regulation 29 A notice of defects will be issued if gas fitting work does not comply , this would be on an approved form.

26 GSR 1999 Part 4 Regulation 30 Notice of rectification will be completed once the gas fitting work complies with the regulations this will all be within 7 days Regulation 31 This regulation covers appeals, if a gas fitter does not agree with the defect notice they must appeal in writing within 48 hrs of receiving the notice of defects.

27 GSR 1999 Part 5 Part 5 deals with the requirements for
consumers gas installations. Regulation 32 Schedule 6 and any code which is in schedule 7 shall be met for consumers gas installations If a code is in direct conflict with schedule 6 then schedule 6 will always prevail

28 GSR 1999 Part 5 Regulation 32A. Regulation 33
Covers gas installations that are or have part of the gas installation installed on somebody else's land. Regulation 33 Interpretations of codes and standards In reference to Authority it is to be read as Director and if approved by the director inspector.

29 GSR 1999 Part 6 Part 6 covers anything miscellaneous Regulation 34
Records of any gas fitter must be kept for 2 years after the gas fitter has left the company Regulation 35 States If a gas installation only contains TYPE A appliances and it is not supplied with gas the supplier will not supply gas until they receive a notice of completion that the work has been done.

30 GSR 1999 Part 6 Regulation 35A States If a gas installation contains TYPE B appliances and it is not supplied with gas the supplier will not supply gas until they receive a notice of completion that the work has been done, and the installation satisfies clause 501 of schedule 6

31 GSR 1999 Part 6 Regulation 35B Relates to TYPE B gas appliances, and say’s the supplier of gas must give permission for use on installation or Modification. The supplier will only permit the supply of gas to a TYPE B appliance if: they have received a notice of Completion for the install or modification That the installation complies with clause 501 of schedule 6 Or if the appliance is modified they have received a copy of the approval under reg 20

32 GSR 1999 Part 6 Regulation 36 CONSUMERS OBLIGATIONS
The consumer will ensure any type B appliance has been issued with a certificate of compliance by an inspector. If a modification has taken place then a gas fitter must be able to test and commission before the appliance is used. There must be a record of service which shows the date the service has taken place and the registered gas fitter who carried out the service.

33 GSR 1999 Part 6 Regulation 37 Service apparatus
No person even if fully qualified shall, install, remove, demolish, replace alter, maintain or repair. Unless the person is authorised by the person having the property.

34 GSR 1999 Part 6 Regulation 38 misleading statements
No false advertising shall take place to state that a person is qualified other than the scope of work they are entitled to work in. Both the gas fitter and the appliance must be approved for installation A gas fitter must not state that an appliance is safe to use unless it complies to the requirements reffered to in reg 32

35 GSR 1999 Part 6 Regulation 39 Regulation 40 Regulation 41
A person must not modify a data plate in anyway. Regulation 40 Any operator of a gas appliance must do so with reference Instructions Regulation 41 See GSR

36 GSR 1999 Part 6 Regulation 42 All incidents that may or have caused injury to life or property must be immediately report to, the supplier and director or just the director if a mobile engine, caravan or marine craft or the supplier is unknown.

37 GSR 1999 Part 6 Regulation 42A Defects to be reported
If a gas fitter finds defective work and renders it unsafe then The consumer and the supplier or the director must be notified about the existence and the nature of the defect. Reg 42 B Type A Appliances as seen on an earlier slide.

38 GSR 1999 Part 7 Regulation 43 Saving – All existing qualifications of competence are still valid as law is not retrespective.

39 GSR 1999 Schedules Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 Official forms
Witness Fees and allowances Schedule 4 Permit and Authorisation fees

40 GSR 1999 Schedules Schedule 5 Schedule 6 Schedule 7
Classes of gas fitting Class G, Class I, Class E, Class P Schedule 6 This schedule prevails over all Gas standards in WA This will be looked at in more detail at a later time. Schedule 7 All codes and standards in force in Australia

41 Any Questions Thank you for your time and Good luck

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