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Published byOdalys Westley Modified over 10 years ago
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dfOqmf];km\6 l8:s ck/]l6+ l;:6d Microsoft Disk Operating System MSDOS 2 Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik"
Start MS-DOS 3 Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" Start>Run> "command" >ok
4 Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" Than that dialogbox will appears.
Types of Operating System MS-DOS Windows PC-DOS Apple-DOS UNIX LINEX Q-DOS Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 5
Introduction to MS-DOS Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 6 It is a popular operating system software, designed by Microsoft Corporating for the users of IBM. It is developed for disk drives. It is a Text User Interface (TUI) It is a set of programs that manages the flow of information to and form various parts of computer system. It is single user interface operating system.
Assencial files of MS-DOS Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 7 IO. Sys MSDOS.SYS COMMAND.COM
Types of Command in MS-DOS There are two types of command in MS-DOS 1 st is Internal Command and 2 nd is External Command. Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 8
Internal Command: Internal commands are parts of the MS-DOS command interpreter. They are small routines and are stored within the file. Internal commands can be used as soon as you boot the computer. Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 9
Examples of Internal Command: DirRD ClsMD ExitCD VolDate VerTime RenamePath CopyPrompt DelBreak TypePause Copy ConEcho Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 10
External Command: External commands are stored on disk as program files. They are not part of file. They must be read from disk before they are executed. External commands need their own file having or.exe or.bat. Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 11
Examples of External Command: ChkdskTree AttribDiskcopy DeltreePrint FormatMem MoreLabel EditScandisk SysXcopy Diskcomp Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 12
Use for Internal Commands: The Dos commands are not case sensitive and sign indicates the Enter key. Date: This command displays system date and lets user to modify it. Syntax: Date Ex: C:\date The Current date is: Sat 09/04/2010 Enter the new date: change the date as per givenformat, otherwise press Enter key. Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 13
Time: This command displays system time and lets user to modify it. Syntax : time Ex: C:\>time The current time is :17:47:34:98 Enter the new time : change the time as per given format. Otherwise, press enter key. Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 14
Cls: This command for clear the screen: Syntax: cls Ex: C:\>cls C:\My Documents>cls Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 15
Dir: This command displays a list of iles and directories in different order: dir : Displays all files and directories at a time. dir/p : Displays all files and directories page by page. dir/w : Displays all files and directories in wide form in five colums. dir/ad :Displays directories only. dir/a-d :Displays files only. dir/ar :Displays read only files. dir/a-r :Displays read write files. dir/ah :Displays hidden files. dir/as :Displays system files. dir/s :Displays all files and dir/sub-dir of the computer system. dir/on :Displays all files and dir in accending order. dir/od :Displays all files and dir with date of modification. dir/os :Displays all files and dir with size. Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 16
Prompt: This command changes the MS-Dos command prompt. Syntax: prompt (prompt option) Ex: C:\>prompt (any text) C:\>prompt Pathik> Options: $d:Current date $t:Current time $q:Equall sign $$:Dollor sign $p:Current drive and path $v:MS-DOS version number $g:Greater than sign $l:Less than sign $p$g:Original prompt. Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 17
Copy Con: This command allows user to create a text file. Syntax: copy con Ex: C:\>copy con pathik Than type texs as per you like Than press Ctrl+Z or F6 key to save a document. At last, Press Enter key to get a prompt. Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 18
Type: This command displays the contents of previous making text files. Syntax: type Ex: C:\>type pathik Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 19 Ren: This command allows to change the name of the existing text file by new name. It means rename the sile name. Syntax: ren Ex: C:\>ren pathik narayan
Copy: This command allows user to copy one or more files form one location to another or at the same location by using different name. Syntax: copy copy Ex: C:\> copy pathik C:\>copy pathik a: C:\copy C:\mydocu~1\*.doc a: C:\copy a:menu c:\ Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 20
Del or Erase: Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 21 This command allows user to delete or erase the existing files. Syntax: del or erase Ex: C:\>del or erase pathik C:\> del or erase *.doc C:\>del or erase a:\*.*
MD (Make Directory) Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 22 This command is used to create a directory. Syntax: md Ex: C:\> md computer CD (Change Directory) This command is used to change (enter) into the directory. Syntax: cd Ex: C:\> cd computer
RD (Remove Directory) Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 23 This command is used to delete or remove the existing directory (must be empty). Syntax: rd Ex: C:\>rd computer Exit: This command is uset to exit from DOS into the Windows mode. It works only DOS is loaded from windows mode. Syntax: exit Ex: C:\>exit
Path: Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 24 This command allows user to establish the directory connection to the excutable program files, so that we can easily run any excutable program files without loading them into the memry form any location. Syntax: path=…… Ex: C:\>path =C:\typeshala C:\>typeshala C:\>path=C:\tt C:\>tt C:\path :Displays active paths C:\path ; :Disconnects all paths (note: always set path to C:\windows\command>" to use External DOS commands. Ex: Path=C:\windows\command
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 25 Help (/?) This sign (?) is used to get any types of help about MS-DOS. Syntax: /? Ex: C:\>dir/? (Displays help about Dir command)
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 26 This command displays the MS-DOS version currently in use Syntax: ver Ex: C:\>ver Version:
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 27 This command displays the volume label and serial number (if exists) of the disk drive. Syntax: vol Ex: C:\>vol C: C:\>vol A: Vol:
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 28 External Commands:
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 29 This command is allows user to move the files from one location to another. This command is also used to rename the directory. Syntax: move Ex: C:\>move C:\mydocu~1\*.doc A: C:\>move tt typing Move
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 30 This command is used to copy files and directories from one location to another. Syntax: xcopy Ex: C:\>xcopy/s C:\tt A:\tt Press D for directories Options /s= copies dir or sub-dir except empty ones. /e= copies all directories and sub-dir. Xcopy (xcopy.exe)
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 31 This command is used to transfer system files (files those need to start the computer) from one drive to another. Syntax: sys,destination drive> Ex: C:\>sys C: A: C:\>sys a: c: SYS (
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 32 This command is used to delete (remove) directory and its sub-dir and files at a time. Syntax: deltree Ex: C:\>deltree computer DELTREE (DELTREE.EXE)
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 33 This command records all DOS commands into the memory that you have previously used in DIS-Prompt. So that you can easily recall them by pressing up or down arrow keys. After Doskey is installe, you can move the cursor horizontally without deleting the pre-defined command. Syntax: doskey Ex: C:\>doskey Doskey is installed messae appears. Then you can get the commands, which are recently used. DOSKEY (DOSKEY.COM)
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 34 This command is used to prepares a disk for use with MS-DOS. After formating a disk, sectors and tracks are create into a new disk. It removes all contents of the disk and creates new sectors and tracks. Syntax: format Ex: C:\>format a:/q/s When formating is complete, and this prompt appears: Format another (Y/N) ? Type Y (for yes) to format another diskette, N (for no) to exit form the format command. Options: /q= Perform a quick format. /s= Copies the system files on the formatted disk. (note: you must format the new disk before use, so that it is capable for storage. Incase of used disks, it removes all data from them. So that do not used format command for uses disk.) FORMAT (FORMAT.COM)
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 35 This command displays the disk drive volume label. It also allows to change the volum lavel of the disk dirve. Syntax: label label Ex: C:\>label A: C:\>label computer A: LABEL (LABEL.EXE)
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 36 This command allows user to change the attribution of files. Syntax: attrib Ex: C:\>attrib +h computer C:\>dir C:\>attrib +r computer C:\>del computer C:\>attrib +s tt.ext C:\>tt Note: you can easily view the attribution of files by typing attrib AtrributeFunction +h=Hide -h=Unhide (make hidden file visible) +r=Read-only (file can not be overwritten or erase) -r=Read & write (file may be overwritten or erase) +s=system (specify file as a dos system file eg..exe,.com,.bat) -s=Non-system (removes dos system file setting) ATTRIB (ATTRIB.EXE)
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 37 This command is used to displays the page by page instead of continuous scrolling. Syntax: /more Lebal Ex: C:\>xcopy/?|more C:\>dir|more (note: |= this sign indicates a pieline not slash sign) MORE (MORE.EXE)
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 38 This command displays the structure of a drive or path. You can use a switch to display all the files of each sub-directory. Syntax: tree Ex: C:\>tree A:\>treee|more TREE:
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 39 This command checks the drives (including dir, sub-dir and files) for errors, and provides a disk and memory status report. Syntax: chkdsk Ex: C:\>chkdsk C:/f/v A:\>chkdsk A:/f/v Options: /f =Check and fixed errors on the disk. /v=Provides report. You use the CHKDSK command for: 1. Check a disk to see how much space there is available, and how much is in use. 2. Fix some disk errors, such as files that show a non-zero size but that really have no data in them. 3. Display information about the disk, including the total disk space, the number and size of ifles. 4. Display how much RAM is available to MS-DOS (this is NOT the total memory in your computer) CHKDSK (CHKDSK.EXE)
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 40 This command displays the memory status of the computer system. Run chkdsk occassionally on your disks to check for errors. chkdsk a:/f checks the disk in drive A: for errors and fixes any errors it can if chkdsk finds no errors it displays a report like this. (just for example): 1213952 bytes total disk space 87040 bytes in 3 hidden files 4608 bytes in 6 directories 1078784 bytes in 97 user files 43520 bytes available on disk 855360 bytes total memory 588480 bytes free If the chkdsk command reports any errors on the disk, it displays a message such as: xxx lost clusters found in xxx chains and asks you whether you want to correct the errors. Type Y (for yes) and press the Enter key. (note: This procedure can cause you to lose some of the information on your disk, however not fixing the disk can cause you to lose even more!!). Cont……chkdsk
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 41 This command is used to check and report a dislk. Syntax: scandisk Ex: C:\>scandisk C: Scandisk (scandisk.exe)
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 42 This command is used to send the contents of file to the printer for printout. Syntax: print Ex: C:\>pathik Prinrt (print.exe):
Disk Operating System------------------------------------------------------By Narayan "Pathik" 43 This command is used to edit the existing text files. You can also make a new file by using this command. Syntax: edit Ex: C:\>edit pathik (For edit existing file) C:\>edit (for creat new file) After edit you must save file. For save use these keys step by step "Alt+F+S" or use ALT key for active menu and use arrow keys to select the required option. Edit (
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