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Portfolio Management Process & Customer Request Management

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1 Portfolio Management Process & Customer Request Management
January, 2006

2 Agenda Portfolio management Customer Requests – 2 types
Enhancements/Micro projects Projects Project Prioritization Process Annual prioritization timeline Overall process Out of cycle discussion Update process 12/7/2018

3 Portfolio Management Portfolio Management is the process to
Manage overall visibility of the project demand Establish a forum and process for prioritizing the demand on an Institute level Annual planning cycle Approve and allocate the project resources Integrate with the overall budget process Monitor the ongoing projects Evaluate new requests and changes Provide awareness of the entire project portfolio to a broad set of constituents 12/7/2018

4 Customer Requests Two main channels for managing requests
Customer forums Manages and prioritizes enhancements/micro projects (less than 6 person months) ASPCC Process Annual project prioritization process Out of cycle process 12/7/2018

5 Customer Request Process

6 Annual Project Prioritization Timeline
Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Communicate & Collect Project Requests Present completed forms at SAPBIZ Project Inventory to ASPCC Picks 10 Picks 10 Develop Business Cases ASPCC Ranks 10 Resources Schedule & Budget Approved 12/7/2018

7 Prioritization Process
January – April Communicate the overall process via Customer forums SAPBIZ communication and updates Admin Comp Web-site ASPCC Meetings IS&T Managers Meeting Others Publish and Validate the prior year’s project inventory Discuss requests not actioned the prior year Re-submit requests – update and or modify as needed 12/7/2018

8 Prioritization Process
January – April continued Customers complete “Request for Evaluation” forms with assistance from Admin Comp Customer initiates process by completing page one of the request for evaluation form Submit to Admin Comp via to Admin Comp assigns requests and acknowledges receipt Admin Comp completes remainder of the form and reviews/clarifies page one with the Customer Conducts Kitimat analysis Conduct reviews of completed forms at SAPBIZ 12/7/2018

9 Prioritization Process
May Provide the project inventory (listing of projects under consideration for that fiscal year) and Request for Evaluation forms to ASPCC Project inventory maybe a subset of requested projects If the inventory exceeds a manageable amount (25-30) June ASPCC prioritizes the list – picks 10 12/7/2018

10 Prioritization Process
July – September Admin Comp and the Customers jointly develop the business cases Confer across IS&T and with other partners October Present business cases and a summary document to ASPCC ASPCC prioritizes the projects – votes 12/7/2018

11 Prioritization Process
November Admin Comp and Customers conduct resource planning Assess any required prerequisites Develop a project delivery plan that considers general Institute scheduling constraints Confer across IS&T and with other partners Projects selected and a draft schedule are presented to ASPCC for approval Approval or modification Incorporated in the budget request 12/7/2018

12 Out of Cycle Requests Business Owner request that is
Unknown during the annual planning cycle Significant business and or technical change Urgent business need New opportunity A change in status or condition of the initial project Potential need to re-prioritize approved projects Serious support/maintenance issue develops or worsens Compliance issue 12/7/2018

13 Process for Out of Cycles
Use the standard project portfolio management process & additional criteria Provides significant and direct advancement of the Institute’s mission and goals Opportunity to increase the benefit from a fast track Funding availability Resources generally available for the effort Business and SAIS Small to moderate sized Retires a legacy system 12/7/2018

14 On-Going Process Priorities are reviewed quarterly by ASPCC for progress updates and adjustments Changing business conditions Compliance issues Out of cycle requests Quarterly Updates to SAPBIZ (recommendation) Progress to schedule Changes to prioritized projects from ASPCC Out of Cycle requests Process review 12/7/2018

15 General Updates Request for evaluation form used for both projects and enhancements Why? Track the work Provide a better definition of the request up front 12/7/2018

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