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Getting Started Ms. Anderson.

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1 Getting Started Ms. Anderson

2 What’s the Problem with Journalism?
The problem with Journalism is not that there is nothing to write about. It is that there is far too much. Like a pepperoni pizza, we do not need to eat the whole thing to understand what it tastes like. If readers are faced with stories that are too broad or try to cover to much, chances are they will simply avoid reading altogether. The problem most staffs face is how to narrow the topics down to just a few angles that could then be presented to readers.

3 Brainstorming Good articles begin and end with a thinking stage. Do not just jump in. List everything you would like to write about that could be in a newspaper

4 To Select a topic ask yourself:
Which selection would be the most compelling to discuss? Which story would I most like to write about?

5 Freewrite Have a blank sheet of paper and a pen or pencil With the topic at the top of your page, write constantly for the designated amount of time (3-5 mins) Don’t stop writing. Once you’ve placed writing utensil to paper, you can’t stop. You also can’t go back. If you cannot think of anything to write, write “I cannot think of anything to write.” over and over until you can think of something to write. Do not worry about grammar or spelling or punctuation. No one is grading you on your freewrite. The only person who needs to read what you have written is you (most of the time).

6 Everyone is Equally Important
Up to this point you should have remained pretty quiet since everyone in the brainstorming session should feel their ideas are valid. Sometimes the best ideas come from the quietest students or the “dumb” ideas.

7 The Final Step: Discuss
Everyone who is “anyone” will be reading the paper. If you aren’t comfortable sharing your idea, it may not be school appropriate and can not be in the paper anyway. By discussing your topic, you will hopefully narrow down any subtopics you have gained from your freewrite; thus gaining a viable topic. In the end your list should include people or “faces.”

8 Why Reinvent the Wheel? Understanding what brainstorming is, is important but you need to practice it in order to get better. Steal from the best and make it your own…and better!

9 Remember: A topic is not a title. A topic is a general term that refers to events or things. Topics are things or events, not stories. Stories are about the people who are affected by those things or events. Good journalism focuses on stories not topics, but topics are a place to start. You should have a specific goal while writing.

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