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European Explorers Jeopardy © Erin Kathryn 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "European Explorers Jeopardy © Erin Kathryn 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Explorers Jeopardy © Erin Kathryn 2014

2 JEOPARDY $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Jacques Cartier John Cabot
Christopher Columbus Juan Ponce de Leon Vasco Nunez de Balboa Jacques Cartier John Cabot Henry Hudson $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Final Jeopardy © Erin Kathryn 2014

3 Christopher Columbus $200
What year and country did Columbus sail for? 1492, Spain Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

4 Christopher Columbus $400
What was the name of the King and Queen Columbus sailed for? King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

5 Christopher Columbus $600
Where did Columbus really land when he thought he was in Asia? Caribbean / San Salvador Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

6 Christopher Columbus $800
Name two obstacles Columbus faced. death no maps uncharted waters frightened crew Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

7 Christopher Columbus $1000
What did Columbus discover? The “New World” and what became Cuba Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

8 Juan Ponce de Leon $200 What country did Juan Ponce de Leon sail for?
Spain Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

9 Juan Ponce de Leon $400 What present day state did Juan Ponce de Leon name? Florida Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

10 Juan Ponce de Leon $600 Why were the Native Americans an obstacle for Juan Ponce de Leon? He was taking their land and they were unhappy. Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

11 Juan Ponce de Leon $800 Name the two things Juan Ponce de Leon was looking for. The “Fountain of Youth” and gold Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

12 Juan Ponce de Leon $1000 Name the European Explorer that is most similar to Juan Ponce de Leon. Vasco Nunez de Balboa Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

13 Vasco Nunez de Balboa $200 What country did Vasco Nunez de Balboa sail for? Spain Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

14 Vasco Nunez de Balboa $400 What present day country in Central America did Vasco Nunez de Balboa sail to? Panama Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

15 Vasco Nunez de Balboa $600 Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the first to see the _________ _______ from Panama. Pacific Ocean Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

16 Vasco Nunez de Balboa $800 Name one obstacle Vasco Nunez de Balboa faced. Fought with Native Americans Uncharted waters Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

17 Vasco Nunez de Balboa $1000 Explain why uncharted waters would be an obstacle for Vasco Nunez de Balboa. The water had never been sailed to before, making it unknown and dangerous. Return © Kara Erin

18 Jacques Cartier $200 What river did Jacques Cartier discover and travel? St. Lawrence River in Canada Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

19 Jacques Cartier $400 What country did Jacques Cartier sail for? France
Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

20 Jacques Cartier $600 Name one obstacle Jacques Cartier faced.
Sailors caught diseases Uncharted waters Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

21 Jacques Cartier $800 Jacques Cartier helped France get rich with what trade? Fur trade Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

22 Jacques Cartier $1000 Explain how sailors getting diseases would effect their trip. When the sailors got sick, they were no longer able to help navigate the ship and it slowed down their ability to travel. Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

23 John Cabot $200 What country did John Cabot sail for? England Return
© Erin Kathryn 2014

24 John Cabot $400 What present day country did John Cabot sail to?
Canada Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

25 John Cabot $600 John Cabot found a rich _________ area in Canada.
fishing Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

26 John Cabot $800 Name one obstacle John Cabot faced. No maps
Looked for Northwest Passage, but couldn’t find it Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

27 John Cabot $1000 Explain why having no maps was an obstacle for John Cabot. It was hard to navigate without knowing where to go or what to expect. Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

28 Henry Hudson $200 Henry Hudson sailed for ____________.
England and Holland Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

29 Henry Hudson $400 What river did Henry Hudson sail up?
The Hudson River Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

30 Henry Hudson $600 The Hudson River is located in what present day state? New York Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

31 Henry Hudson $800 Henry Hudson claimed the _______ ____ in what is now Canada. Hudson Bay Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

32 Henry Hudson $1000 Why was Henry Hudson set adrift in a small raft?
His crew rebelled against him because he was making them work in the cold. Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

33 FINAL JEOPARDY Name the three reasons why people explored.
To find new lands and passages To find gold and other resources To spread religion Return © Erin Kathryn 2014

34 Thank you For playing European Explorer Jeopardy!


36 Clipart: Microsoft Office Gallery

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