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MUMON / emulsion total flux uncertainty

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1 MUMON / emulsion total flux uncertainty
H. Kubo

2 introduction updating muon flux simulation for MUMON/emulsion
motivation further understanding of MUMON response check validity of our tuning in high momentum region goals flux tuning compatible with 13a neutrino flux tuning (TN-217) error estimation in the same manner as neutrino flux comparison with emulsion measurement in 2010/2014 including anti-nu mode (-250kA)

3 list of systematic error sources (1)
same or similar method as TN-217 neutrino flux tuning study special error treatment for muon flux source sub-source estimation method meson NA61 data error variation of 500 thrown set (incl. A-scaling errors) NA61 p-q binning diff. from BMPT fitting inside NA61 region out of NA61 region diff. b/w FLUKA and BMPT fitting BMPT extrapolation 500 thrown BMPT parameters, outside NA61 only momentum scaling diff. from alternative multi-data tuning pion to pion tuning size itself + conservative 50% for out side region baryon sec. proton data variation of 500 thrown set leading baryon diff. among tuning methods (p-only, w/ nS data) non-primary with and w/o preliminary tuning x-sec prod. cross section 500 thrown quasi-elastic cross sections horn abs. horn current difference by +-5kA variation skin effect with and w/o skin effect material horn water with and w/o horn water layer (1mm) dump thickness + 1s dump material thickness/density variation

4 list of systematic error sources (2)
same or similar method as TN-217 neutrino flux tuning study special error treatment for muon flux source sub-source estimation method p beam beam position of emulsion shots consistency b/w SSEMX and OTRX + SSEM optics Y fit precision beam divergence difference from wide beam sample (conservative) beam width 1s variation (X:0.12mm, Y:0.98mm) POT normalization 2.6% alignment target alignment 1mrad (X, Y) horn alignment checked similar as neutrino study  negligible un-tuned interaction in He gas conservative 100 % errors (GCALOR region) stat. MC statistics simple calc.

5 11.2 % 11.3 % 11.0 % TOTAL source sub-source 13a 250kA 13a -250kA
meson multiplicity NA61 2.7 % 2.4 % 2.5 % NA61 binning 0.7 % 0.4 % 2.6 % out of NA61 1.1 % 2.1 % 3.3 % BMPT fitting 1.6 % 3.1 % 6.5 % momentum scaling 0.3 % 1.0 % pion interaction 0.5 % nucleon prod. 1.3 % 1.2 % 2.2% prod. xsec 8.5 % 7.6 % proton beam beam opt.+ pos. < 1% POT norm. alignment target alignment 0.9 % < 2% horn current abs. current 4.5 % 4.0 % 0 % skin effect < 1 % 2.0 % untuned He interaction 1.5 % 4.7 % material horn water dump thickness statistic MC stat. error 0.8 % TOTAL 11.2 % 11.3 % 11.0 %

6 MC error table (11b: previous tuning)
source flux error (250kA) Pion production 9.0 % Kaon production 1.3 % dump interaction 0.7 % nucleon production 3.6 % prod. cross section 9.1 % proton beam 2.8 % target alignment 0.5 % horn current horn skin effect 2.0 % minor interaction modes 1.2 % MC statistics 0.3 % total 14.3 %

7 - = 250kA – 0kA subtraction 250kA : horn focused + unfocused region
qp qp 250kA 0kA - Pp[GeV/c] Pp[GeV/c] qp 250kA : horn focused unfocused region 0kA : unfocused region only subtraction : horn focused region only better prediction? 250kA - 0kA = Pp[GeV/c]

8 TOTAL 11.2 % 11.3 % 11.0 % 13.1 % 14.8 % source sub-source 250kA
meson multiplicity NA61 2.7 % 2.4 % 2.5 % 2.8 % 2.6 % NA61 binning 0.7 % 0.4 % 0.1 % out of NA61 1.1 % 2.1 % 3.3 % 1.4 % BMPT fitting 1.6 % 3.1 % 6.5 % 0.5 % 1.5 % mom. scaling 0.3 % 1.0 % 0.2 % pion interaction nucleon prod. 1.3 % 1.2 % 2.2 % prod. xsec 8.5 % 7.6 % 10.2 % 10.4 % proton beam beam opt.+ pos. < 1% POT norm. alignment target alignment 0.9 % < 2% 1.7 % horn current abs. current 4.5 % 4.0 % 0 % 5.9 % 6.8 % skin effect < 1 % 2.0 % untuned He interaction 4.7 % 0.6 % material horn water 3.4 % dump thickness 4.6 % statistic MC stat. error 0.8 % TOTAL 11.2 % 11.3 % 11.0 % 13.1 % 14.8 %

9 why not improved? 0kA error is not so large, especially for dominant errors of horn on samples less cancellation even if the correlation is perfect, fractional error size would be kept 250kA 0kA 250kA-0kA perfect correlation case abs. flux 96000 22000 74000 abs. error ~10560 ~2420 ~8140 frac. error ~11% ~11 %

10 summary finished systematic error estimation for 13a tuned muon flux
total flux error ~ 11% reduced from 11b tuning : 14.3% dominant error : production cross section if the cross section treatment is updated (use NA61 result for primary p+C interactions) 250kA flux error will be 7.5% 250kA, -250kA, 0kA : similar error sizes subtraction : no improvement on total flux error may be meaningful on momentum distribution study

11 backup

12 NA61 pion coverage (250kA) Secondary p+ Secondary p-
4.2mm Gaussian beam FLUKA2011simulation mu, e > 50MeV/c emulsion position, |Y|<12.5cm horns 250kA Secondary p+ Secondary p- q q P[GeV/c] P[GeV/c] 76% of total primary interactions 6% of total primary interactions NA coverage : 91.1% NA coverage : 47.9% NA coverage : 85.6% NA coverage : 33.7%

13 NA61 mult. + A scaling uncertainty
use 500 sets of thrown Data(NA61)/FLUKA ratios same scheme as TN-217 mean/RMS of total flux (250kA)= 2.7% 2.7% uncertainty emulsion position, |Y|<12.5cm, P>50Mev/c, horns 250kA 250kA

14 NA61 + A scaling uncertainty
horn current RMS/Mean = sys. error 250kA 2.7% -250kA 2.4% 0kA 2.5% 2011 tuning NA61 uncertainty (250kA) 4.2%(Pi) 0.2% (K) smaller error size than 11b case (based on NA )

15 out of NA61 phase space smaller error size than 2011 case (250kA)
horn current NA61+FLUKA 7ch mean flux [/cm2/1012POT] NA61+BMPT difference = sys. error 250kA 9.68 x 104 9.57 x 104 1.1 % -250kA 6.34 x 104 6.21 x 104 2.1 % 0kA 2.27 x 104 2.20 x 104 3.3 % 2011 tuning 9.72 x 104 9.92 x 104 smaller error size than 2011 case (250kA) 0kA,-250kA sample have larger uncertainties because they have more out-of-NA61 component

16 Horn current uncertainty
absolute horn current : 5kA (2%) uncertainty flux uncertainty 4.5% / flux uncertainty 3.7% /

17 momentum scaling error
emulsion position, |Y|<12.5cm, P>50Mev/c horn current default tertiary (NA61 only) 7ch mean flux [/cm2/1012POT] alter. tertiary (multi-data) difference = sys. error 250kA 9.68 x 104 9.65 x 104 0.3 % -250kA 6.34 x 104 6.33 x 104 0kA 2.27 x 104 2.25 x 104 1.0 % 250kA

18 skin effect Horn 1 main region inner conductor size: r1=27mm, r2 =30mm
δ=∞ δ=6.34mm current density current distribution B-field

19 horn skin effect horn current no skin effect 7ch mean flux
emulsion position, |Y|<12.5cm, P>50Mev/c horn current no skin effect 7ch mean flux [/cm2/1012POT] w/ skin effect difference = sys. error 250kA 9.68 x 104 9.70 x 104 0.2 % -250kA not yet done 250kA

20 dump thickness uncertainty
density (original) (1 sigma shifted) Dump graphite 1.707 1.716 (+0.009) Dump Fe 7.87 7.92 (+0.05 **) Dump concrete 2.300 2.323 (+0.023) ** including uncertainty of thickness increased density of dump materials by + 1sigma take difference as systematic error size

21 dump thickness uncertainty
emulsion position, |Y|<12.5cm, P>50Mev/c horn current normal dump 7ch mean flux [/cm2/1012POT] 1sigma dens dump difference = sys. error 250kA 9.68 x 104 9.48 x 104 2.1 % -250kA 6.34 x 104 6.15 x 104 3.1 % 0kA 2.27 x 104 0.2 % ** ** within statistical uncertainty parent pion momentum 250kA dense normal threshold shifts Pp [GeV/c]

22 horn water uncertainty
emulsion position, |Y|<12.5cm, P>50Mev/c horn current no water 7ch mean flux [/cm2/1012POT] with 1mm water difference = sys. error 250kA 9.68 x 104 9.53 x 104 1.5 % -250kA 6.34 x 104 6.22 x 104 2.0 % 0kA 2.27 x 104 2.28 x 104 0.5 % ** ** within statistical uncertainty 250kA

23 production cross section
use NA x-sec and errors for p>20GeV/c use NA x-sec and errors for only p>30GeV/c use quasi-elastic x-sec as errors for all region horn current RMS of 500 samples method A method B method C 250kA 2.1 % 2.5 % 8.5 % -250kA 1.9 % 2.2 % 7.6 % 0kA 0.8 % 1.2 % 2.7 %

24 pion to pion interaction
emulsion position, |Y|<12.5cm, P>50Mev/c horn current w/o pipi tuning 7ch mean flux [/cm2/1012POT] with pipi tuning difference = sys. error 250kA 9.67 x 104 0.0 % -250kA 6.33 x 104 0kA 2.27 x 104 pion to pion interactions inside the HARP region less affect muon flux

25 pion to pion interaction
assigned 50% conservative errors for only pion to pion interactions outside the HARP tuning region horn current pipi tuning 7ch mean flux [/cm2/1012POT] no-tuning region 50% reduced difference = sys. error 250kA 9.67 x 104 9.64 x 104 0.3 % -250kA 6.33 x 104 6.31 x 104 0.4 % 0kA 2.27 x 104 2.26 x 104 0.5 %

26 reproduced BMPT/FLUKA ratios
pi+ official pi+ repro. Mark updated fitting code in the repository thank you I got similar BMPT fitting results pi+ repro. BMPT only

27 NA61 binning inside the NA61 region, BMPT reproduces data well
7ch mean flux [/cm2/1012POT] emulsion position, |Y|<12.5cm, P>50Mev/c Horn BMPT+NA61 (official) BMPT + NA61 (reproduced) BMPT only difference 250 kA 9.58 x 104 9.51 x 104 - 0.7 % 0 kA 2.20 x 104 2.14 x 104 - 2.6 % -250 kA 6.21 x 104 6.22 x 104 6.19 x 104 - 0.4 % inside the NA61 region, BMPT reproduces data well BMPT can work as a kind of smoothing  effect from NA61 bin-size can be estimated assign differences as systematic uncertainty sizes largely reduced from the previous tuning 11b tuning, 250kA case : 5.0%

28 errors on BMPT parameters
I included this error source in the previous(11b) muon flux tuning concerns if the model is proper and fitting is fairly done, fitting error for NA61 region reflects error size of NA61 data  double counting? using only outside region would be reasonable new BMPT fitting parameters on NA data have larger errors than previous one  I don’t know the cause

29 BMPT parameter errors outside NA61 region only 500 throws -250kA 250kA

30 pbeam position of the emulsion shots
from SSEM fit [mm] OTR (low light yield) MUMON (Si) [cm] 250kA X 0.08 -1.68 Y 0.29 -0.39 -250kA 1.37, 1.46 +-0.38 -0.36, -0.20 -1.81, -1.74 0.15, 0.03 0.17, 0.19 -1.27, -1.30 0kA 1.87, 1.68, 1.72, 2.16 0.16, -0.08 0.04, 0.44 3.17, 1.37, 4.41, 0.48 0.14, 0.10, 0.04, 0.38 0.31, 0.22 0.26, 0.40 6.20, 3.02, 5.17, 4.34 OTR light yield is under the threshold SSEM X : OTR X inconsistent by 1.4~1.8mm SSEM Y : consistent w/ OTR Y , large errors

31 pbeam position of the shots
tested shift [mm] 7ch mean flux [/cm2/1012POT] pbeam shifted diff. 250kA X 1.82, Y 1.38 9.68 x 104 9.69 x 104 0.1 % -250kA X 1.42, Y 1.38 6.34 x 104 6.36 x 104 0.3 % 0kA X 1.86, Y 1.38 2.27 x 104 0.0 % negligible effect on total flux profile center shift (~3cm) occurs 250kA

32 alignment target position target tilt horn 1 tilt horn 2,3 alignment
relative position to beam center is important integrated in proton beam error target tilt 1mrad in both direction (X,Y) estimated using same method as TN-217 horn 1 tilt 0.2mrad (X,Y)  confirmed to be negligible horn 2,3 alignment already found to be negligible from the previous(11b) tuning study

33 target alignment horn current target tilt 7ch mean flux [/cm2/1012POT]
difference = sys. error 250kA 9.68 x 104 X + 1mrad 9.72 x 104 + 0.4 % Y + 1mrad 9.76 x 104 + 0.8 % -250kA 6.34 x 104 6.30 x 104 % 6.28 x 104 - 1.0 % 0kA 2.27 x 104 - 0.1 % ** 2.26 x 104 - 0.4 % ** ** within statistical uncertainty

34 secondary baryon *integrated in meson multiplicity throwing 250kA
estimation method secondary proton data * 0.1 % 0.2 % throwing Data/FLUKA according to the data error leading baryon 1.3 % 1.2 % 2.2 % difference among alterative tuning methods non-primary 0.0 % difference from preliminary out-target baryon tuning total

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